How Aruba Electronic Invoicing works

Preliminary information

How Aruba Electronic Invoicing works

Before going into the details of this tutorial and explaining yourself how Aruba Electronic Invoicing works, it seems only right to provide you with some more information on electronic invoicing and its use.

  • Who should use the electronic invoice? Electronic invoicing, mandatory from 1 January 2019 for subjects residing or established in the city, concerns companies, sole proprietorships, freelancers and subjects with a VAT number for the issuance and receipt of invoices from and to private individuals (B2B invoicing) , Public Administrations (B2G billing) and individuals (B2C billing). There are only a few specific cases in which the electronic invoicing obligation does not apply. For example, those who apply the flat rate scheme, the minimum scheme or the advantage scheme are not obliged to issue an electronic invoice. The same goes for farmers under special arrangements, amateur sports associations with revenues of up to 65.000 euros per year, doctors and pharmacists for whom there is already the obligation to transmit data to the TS system (health card) and for those who make the sale of goods and the provision of services to non-residents in the city and outside the EU.
  • What do you need to send an electronic invoice? Using the Aruba Electronic Invoicing service, you can manage the entire billing process, including the creation, sending, receiving and storage of invoices in accordance with the law. You can do everything from the Web interface, therefore from the browser, without installing any software on the PC (you can also insert virtual attachments and revenue stamps). If you already have management software, you can import the XML files of the invoices generated by the latter into the Aruba service, and then send them.
  • What do i need to receive an electronic invoice? Once the Aruba electronic invoicing service has been activated, a service configuration wizard is proposed. A 7-digit recipient code is thus indicated (KRRH6B9) which, once registered on the Invoices and payments service on the Revenue Agency website, allows you to receive electronic invoices directly on your web management panel.
  • How are electronic invoices stored? The Aruba Electronic Invoicing service allows for the storage of invoices sent and received, financial communications and notifications from the Revenue Agency's Exchange System for the duration of the contract in accordance with the law. This functionality is automatic and transparent. In fact, the customer can view, download and show the documentation stored through the service management panel. In the event that the Electronic Invoicing service is not renewed, in the following 90 days it will be accessible in a limited manner, allowing consultation and retrieval of the documents present. After 90 days from the expiry, the service will no longer be accessible and the data contained in it will be deleted. If desired, it is possible to keep electronic invoices already sent through other systems by purchasing the DocFly Conservazione Sostitutiva service.
  • What is the relationship between Electronic Invoicing and the Revenue Agency? Once invoices have been created or loaded in the Electronic Invoicing panel, by giving the sending command, they are automatically sent to the Interchange System (SDI) managed by the Revenue Agency, which then sends them to the recipients. Only and exclusively in the case of Public Administrations, the system returns a notification of "Invoice forwarding result to PA".

Prices and requirements

How Aruba Electronic Invoicing works

Il servizio Aruba Electronic Invoicing in its version Complete for owners of VAT number has a price equal to 1 euro + VAT for 3 months and then 25 euro + VAT per year on renewal with 1GB of online space (equal to about 100.000 invoices with an average weight of 10 Kb). It includes: receipt of invoices via Recipient Code KRRH6B9; access to the service management panel; import of invoices received with other systems or on the AdE portal; automatic conservation according to law; preview of received and sent invoices; editor for creating or uploading invoices in XML format; sending invoices to private individuals, end customers and PA; management of suppliers, customers, products and services, payment, etc .; automatic search of data and the status of companies in the Business Register; management of the VAT breakdown on the invoice; Android and iOS mobile app; sending invoices and financial communications and transit through SDI; collaboration with your own accountant; multi-user management (additional paid service) and electronic orders (additional paid module). More info here.

Alternatively, the service is available Aruba Electronic Invoicing Receipt Only, for owners of Tax Code and for all those who need to receive electronic invoices, which at the cost of 1 euro + VAT for 3 months and then 14,90 euro + VAT per year on renewal includes: 1GB of space for documents; receipt of invoices via Recipient Code KRRH6B9; access to the service management panel; there
ability to set up the sending of automatic reports; import of invoices received with other systems or on the AdE portal; automatic conservation according to law; preview of received invoices and multi-user management (additional paid service). More info here.

I Accountants he business studies they can then manage customer invoices and accounts directly online and in total autonomy at no cost. It is indeed available Aruba Electronic Invoicing for Accountants, a free service intended specifically for accountants and commercial firms which includes: free account for access to the customer management panel; ability to access customers' documents and operate on their behalf based on the permissions set by the service owner: from just consulting the documents to issuing, modifying and managing invoices and financial communications. More info here.

It should be emphasized that it is possible to enrich the Aruba Electronic Invoicing service with convenient optional features, such asmulti-user access, the additional space and electronic modules for NSO. In particular, the service Multi-user allows additional users to purchase access to the Aruba Electronic Invoicing service, who will be able to log in independently with their own credentials and with specific work permissions: Reading, Creation / Modification (not provided for the service Receive Only), Send Invoices (not provided for the Receive Only service) and Manage settings. The price is 4,90 euros + VAT / year for each user. The additional spaceinstead, it costs 25 euros + VAT / year for each GB and allows you to have 1 GB additional space packages for managing and storing documents on the application. More info here.

The additional module for the receipt, management and storage of electronic orders from NHS structures and their intermediaries (with which to comply with the obligation provided for by the 2018 Budget Law for the health sector), costs 12,50 euros + VAT / year for those who already have Aruba Electronic Invoicing (which become 25 euros + VAT / year from the next renewal) e 1 euro + VAT for 3 months and then 50 euro + VAT / year for new activations of the Electronic Invoicing services + Electronic Order Form. More info here.

How to activate Aruba Electronic Invoicing

How Aruba Electronic Invoicing works

Now that you have a pretty clear idea of ​​the service Aruba Electronic Invoicing, I would say to take action and see, together, how to activate it.

As already mentioned above, to subscribe to the Aruba Electronic Invoicing service you need a certified e-mail address, which can also be requested during activation. For the rest, just use an operating system and a browser compatible with the web panel of the service.

First, then connect to the Aruba Electronic Invoicing home page and click on the button Buy Now. Subsequently, if you are already registered for Aruba's online services, log in by filling out the form you see on the left.

Alternatively, click on the button Register and complete the order, indicate if you are a freelance, A 'company, a individual company or a Public administration and fill out the form that is proposed to you with all the required information: name, last name, address, cellular, fiscal Code, VAT number, email address etc. Then check the box Consento on the privacy policy and click on the button Continue and complete the order to complete your order.

Once the data has been verified, you can complete the payment via credit card, PayPal, transfer o SNOW following the instructions displayed on the screen. The activation of the service is generally immediate, as soon as the payment is registered by Aruba. Registration times vary depending on the method chosen: by credit card and PayPal it is immediate; for the bank transfer it takes about 5 working days; for the pre-filled bulletin it takes about 3-4 working days, while for the postal bulletin it takes 5-7 working days. More info here.

How Aruba Electronic Invoicing works

How Aruba Electronic Invoicing works

Once you have activated the Aruba Electronic Invoicing service, you can start using it to send, receive and manage your invoices. As already mentioned above, it is possible to carry out all the operations from the Web panel without installing any software on the PC.

Going into more detail, Aruba's electronic invoicing service allows you to fully manage both the active cycle and the passive cycle invoicing: the active cycle is the one that involves creating and then sending the invoice. Once the invoice sending command has been given, Aruba generates the invoice XML file (this step is not necessary if you upload existing XML files), after which it checks it to minimize the possibility of errors (and the consequent rejection of the document from the SdI Interchange System of the Revenue Agency), affixes the qualified electronic signature to the latter, sends it to the ES (which will then forward it to the recipient) and displays the notifications relating to the entire procedure. Invoices and notifications are then stored in accordance with the law within the service. As for the passive cycle, however, once the recipient code (KRRH6B9) has been communicated to its suppliers or once the code has been registered in the Invoices and Considerations portal of the Revenue Agency, the Aruba system allows you to receive invoices, view them and manage them through a special panel that is very easy to use.

In short, it only takes a few clicks. Much of the work is done automatically by Aruba's electronic invoicing service: to learn more and find out how to create, send, receive and manage invoices with the latter, read on.

First configuration of the Electronic Invoicing Panel

How Aruba Electronic Invoicing works

Once you have accessed the Aruba Electronic Invoicing panel for the first time, you must configure the service by following the wizard that is proposed to you (which consists of nine steps, all mandatory).

On the page dedicated to transferor / lender, you must enter all the data of the transferor / provider issuing the invoice (owner, name, registered office and so on). You can edit all fields, except those dedicated to nation, VAT number e fiscal Code.

To fill in the sections of the form relating to permanent establishment, professional register e REA registration, you must expand them and enter the data in the appropriate fields. Once you have entered all the information, click on the button Continue (bottom right) to move forward.

On the page that opens, use the drop-down menu Tax regime to indicate the tax regime to be associated with your profile (eg. Ordinary, minimum taxpayers, agriculture and fishing related activities etc.) and click on the button Continue to go to the next step.

Now, if necessary, you need to set the regimen chargeability of VAT, moving up ACTIVE the relative levetta all'opzione INACTIVE and then selecting, from the drop-down menu that appears, the type of VAT collectability desired: VAT payable immediately, VAT with deferred chargeability o Payment splitting (the so-called Split Payment). You can change this parameter at any time. Once this is done, click again on Continue.

How Aruba Electronic Invoicing works

The fourth step of the procedure concerns the pension fund, then the data relating to the professional cashier to which you belong to be applied by default on your invoices. If necessary, you can set up up to three social security contribution positions.

Then move up ACTIVE the relative levetta all'opzione INACTIVE and use the fields that appear below to indicate the type of case,rate (without typing the percent symbol) and the VAT code. You can change this information at any time.

Repeat, if necessary, the procedure for the other two pension funds and click on Continue to move forward. By setting up more than one social security contribution position, you can activate the function Add the amount of the "Social security contribution 1" to the tax base of the "Social security contribution 2" thanks to which to calculate the contribution on the value of the tax base plus the amount calculated by the first and / or second fund, based on the one selected.

Now you need to set the data related to Withholding Tax and at social security withholdings to be applied by default to your invoices, in the event that your social security fund is subject to it.

For each withholding you need to activate, move up ACTIVE the levetta relative alla voce INACTIVE and fill in the fields concerning type of withholding (natural or legal person), rate withheld e causal payment. Then, if necessary, activate the function Add the amount of the «Social security contribution 1» to the tax base of the withholding tax click the button Continue And that's it. Up to a maximum of four withholdings can be activated. These data may also be modified in the future.

How Aruba Electronic Invoicing works

At this point, you have to choose some settings to use as default when creating invoices.

How Aruba Electronic Invoicing works

The first is the default mode for creating the invoice between smart invoice creation e guided invoice creation: in the first case, the entire body of the invoice will be presented on a single page. In the second, however, each section of the invoice will have a dedicated page. Once you have made your choice, click on the button Continue.

The second choice is represented by the default document type that you want to use for the creation of the invoice (e.g. invoice, parcel, etc.). Immediately after you can choose the price display to be used on the invoice. If you select net prices, the prices on the invoice will be shown net of VAT; in case you choose gross pricesinstead, the amount will be presented inclusive of VAT and the tax will be calculated by separating the VAT. The choice also affects the default way in which new products are saved or imported in the master data.

The seventh step of the procedure, called notices and proxies, provides for the entry ofPEC address or the 'email address where to receive notifications relating to electronic invoicing processes (e.g. notifications from the ES, for sending and receiving invoices, notifications relating to deadlines on the agenda and so on). Choose, therefore, whether to activate the invoice notifications via email or PEC moving up ACTIVE le relative levette.

How Aruba Electronic Invoicing works

In the same step you can choose whether or not to activate the compilation tips of the invoices and, above all, whether to make you searchable from other accountant and premium accounts. By clicking on I agree in the section delegate accountant and premium accounts, in fact, you will allow your accountant or Premium users to send you a request for authorization to access your panel. Subsequently, by accepting the proxy proposal that will be sent to you and which will be visible on your panel, you can share access to your panel and your invoices, without having to send them by email or through other channels.

Once this step is complete, you can move on by pressing on once more Continue.

How Aruba Electronic Invoicing works

Now, in the section, Conservation manager, verify that the data relating to the responsible for conservation (i.e. the person who has the right to entrust to third parties, in whole or in part, the execution of the activities provided for by the current legislation) are correct. Subsequently, insert the data of the producer manager (i.e. the person who produces the Payout Packages is responsible for their content in the storage system) and prizes Continue to go to the last step.

The last step of the procedure is to receive a verification code via SMS, which is useful for validating your identity. Then type yours cellphone number in the appropriate text field and click on the button Send SMS.

Now wait for the receipt of the verification code, enter the latter in the text field that will automatically appear at the bottom and press Continue to complete the initial setup procedure for Aruba Electronic Invoicing.

To access the management panel of your invoices and start using the service, click on the button Sign up now and follow the initial tutorial which illustrates the main sections of the web panel.

How Aruba Electronic Invoicing works

As you will see, the panel of the Aruba Electronic Invoicing service is extremely intuitive: on the left there is a menu with the options to create invoices in Smart or guided mode, upload existing invoices, manage sent and received invoices; at the top is the bar with the notifications, the links to the sections of the guide, settings, the latest information news of the service, in addition to the menu of user management. Finally, at the center is the home with the status of the invoices, the perfect notifications coming from SdI, the latest invoices received the list of deadlines important, the News relating to the news of the service or to the world of electronic invoicing and the service status.

To find out more closely how to use everything and how to start sending / receiving invoices in electronic format, read on: you will find everything explained in the next steps of the tutorial.

Invoice creation

create an invoice with Aruba Electronic Invoicing, access the service, click on the button Create invoice present in the left sidebar and choose whether to start creating an invoice in smart mode (with all sections on one page) or in guided mode (with pages dedicated to each section of the invoice), by choosing one of the options available in the appropriate menu that appears on the screen.

Smart mode

How Aruba Electronic Invoicing works

As already mentioned, the smart mode of Electronic Invoicing allows you to create invoices by having all the fields of the document available on a single page. To proceed with the creation of your invoice, therefore, all you have to do is select the fields displayed on the screen and fill them in with the relevant data.

In the Document data you must indicate the type of customer between Public Administration (PA) and Private, the type of document to be generated (invoice, down payment / advance on invoice, credit note, debit note, parcel, car, etc.), the document date, sectional and progressive.

After that you have to use the search bar or click on the button Customer search to locate and select the customer to be the recipient of the invoice. If you have not yet entered the customer you are billing to in your database and you want to add it, click on the button Add new customer and fill out the form that is proposed to you with all the required data :, VAT NUMBER and / or fiscal Code, customer name or denomination, identifier (therefore recipient code, PEC or no identification), headquarters. Fatto ciò, click on your button Save to save the name in the registry (making sure there is a check mark next to the appropriate item).

How Aruba Electronic Invoicing works

Now you need to add products or services to the invoice. To proceed, start typing the product name in the field Description and select the correct item from the suggested items to include it on the invoice. Alternatively you can click on the button Add product or service and choose the products or services of your interest by clicking on the button Select placed next to their names.

If you have not yet entered products or services in your database or you want to add others, click on the button Add new and fill out the form that is proposed to you with all the required data: Description, VAT code, price (indicating whether you are entering the net price or the gross price of the product) e unit of measure (e.g. hours, months, grams, meters, liters etc.). When the operation is complete, make sure that there is a tick next to the box save in the registry and click on the button Add to add the product or service to your database.

Once inserted in the invoice, the products can be modified by acting on the fields related to amount, price, discount/increase etc. The changes concern only the products / services present in the line of the invoice on which the change was made.

How Aruba Electronic Invoicing works

By clicking, on the other hand, on the gear-shaped icon corresponding to each product line, it is possible modify the product or service, add data (e.g. type of service transfer, start / end date or administration reference), duplicate the row o delete the row, by choosing one of the options available in the menu that appears.

Also in the products section there is a lever that indicates if you are filling out an invoice with net or gross prices. Moving the lever to the right or left changes the choice. 

The fields related to VAT collectability, pension fund e considered they are automatically filled in based on the information entered in the initial configuration phase of the service. By clicking on the relevant items, however, it is possible to deselect or modify all the data. For example, in the fields Pension fund e Withholdings, you can choose whether to use as tax base all products / services included in the invoice, only some of them or manually change the tax base. The changes affect only the invoice and not the data configured in the settings.

How Aruba Electronic Invoicing works

The other fields on the form, such as those for related documents, attachments, stamp data, rounding, causal document, art. 73 DPR 633/72, discount / surcharge, main invoice, SAL data e transport / vehicle data, must instead be selected and activated in case of need for the single invoice, bringing up ACTIVE the relative levers. Once the various fields have been activated, it is possible to insert the relative data or upload the relative attachments (max 4MB per file) using the forms and buttons that appear on the screen. Finally, to save the changes, click on the button Save.

At this point, you have to click on the button Enter payment information and fill in the form that is proposed to you with the payment data such as payment method (e.g. check, bank transfer, credit card, cash etc.) e terms of payment (e.g. in installments, in full or in advance). In case of payment in several installments, a breakdown of the installments will be automatically proposed which can be modified before continuing.

How Aruba Electronic Invoicing works

Once you have filled in all the fields, click on the button Continue and fill out the second form that is proposed to you with all the data possibly requested based on the selected payment method, such as, for example, Bank, advance payment discount, penalty for delays e payment code. When it is finite, click on the button Save and continue to move forward.

The most is done! Now all you have to do is choose whether to leave the Automatic calculator or whether to customize the calculations by modifying them manually (keeping the appropriate lever active or deactivating) and click on one of the buttons available at the bottom of the page: Preview to preview the invoice, Print to print the document, Save in drafts to save the draft invoice (and send it later) or Send to send it immediately to the ES system of the Revenue Agency and then to the recipient. It was easy, wasn't it?

Guided mode

How Aruba Electronic Invoicing works

It was preferred create invoices in guided mode, access the main page of Aruba Electronic Invoicing, click on the button Create invoice present in the left sidebar and select the item Guided mode give the menu to compare your schermo.

On the next page, fill out the form Document data with all the required information: customer type (if Private or PA), type of document (invoice, down payment / advance on invoice, credit note, debit note, parcel, atofattura, etc.), document date, sectional e progressive. Then select the name of the also information using the appropriate bar.

After that you have to use the search bar or click on the button Customer search to locate and select the customer to be the recipient of the invoice. If you have not yet entered the customer you are billing to in your database and you want to add it, click on the button Add new customer and fill out the form that is proposed to you with all the required data: VAT NUMBER and / or fiscal Code, customer name or denomination, identifier (therefore recipient code, PEC or no identification), headquarters. Fatto ciò, click on your button Save to save the name in the registry (making sure there is a check mark next to the appropriate item).

How Aruba Electronic Invoicing works

Once you have selected the customer, click on the button Continue to go ahead and indicate the products and services to be included in the invoice. 

At this stage you need to add products or services to the invoice. Click on the button Add to choose the product or service of your interest.

If you have not yet entered products or services in your database or you want to add others, click on the button Add new and fill out the form that is proposed to you with all the required data: Description, VAT code, price (indicating whether you are entering the net price or the gross price of the product) e unit of measure (e.g. hours, months, grams, meters, liters etc.). When you're done, make sure the box for the saving in the registry is selected and click on Save to move forward.

Once the products on the invoice have been entered, they will be visible in the section selected products. If you want, you can change the values ​​relating to each product / service entered on the invoice using the appropriate fields of the document, such as those relating to amount, price, discount o surcharge, VAT code. By clicking on theicona dell'ingranaggio, placed at the bottom of each row, you can modify the product or service, add data (e.g. type of service transfer, start / end date or administration reference), duplicate the row o delete it, by choosing one of the options available in the menu that opens.

Also in the product screen there is a lever that indicates if you are filling out an invoice with net or gross prices. By moving the lever to the right or left you can change the choice.

Finally, choose whether to leave the Automatic calculator or whether to customize the calculations by modifying them manually (by moving to ACTIVE or on OFF the relative lever) and proceed with the procedure by clicking on the button Continue.

How Aruba Electronic Invoicing works

On the page that opens, you can adjust the settings related to VAT collectability, pension fund e considered: the latter are configured according to the preferences indicated in the initial configuration procedure of the service but, if you want, you can change them.

For example, by clicking on the edit button for the fields Pension fund e Withholding, you can also choose whether to use as tax base all products / services included in the invoice or only some of them.

How Aruba Electronic Invoicing works

After making any changes, click on the button Continue and enter the information relating to the payment, Which payment method (e.g. check, bank transfer, credit card, cash etc.). And terms of payment (e.g. in installments, in full or in advance). In case of payment in several installments, a breakdown of the installments will be automatically proposed which can be modified before continuing.

Depending on the payment method selected, it may be required to fill in other data such as, for example, Bank, advance payment discount, penalty for delays e payment code. When it is finite, click on the button Save and continue to move forward.

How Aruba Electronic Invoicing works

If you want, expand the field Additional payment data (below) and enter additional information, such as advance payment discount, penalty for delays, advance payment deadline e payment code

Click on the button Continue to move forward.

How Aruba Electronic Invoicing works

Now, if you want, you can expand the fields of the additional data concerning related documents, attachments, stamp data, art. 73 DPR 633/72, discount and surcharge, causal document, main invoice, SHAWL, vehicle data e transport data and activate them, bringing up ACTIVE le relative levette.

Once the various fields have been activated, you can enter the data of your interest or upload attachments (max 4MB in weight) using the forms and buttons that appear on the screen. When the operation is completed, click on the button Continue (bottom right) to move forward.

Mission accomplished! Now you have your invoice and you just have to decide what to do, using one of the buttons located at the bottom right: Print to print it, Save in drafts to save it as drafts (and send it later) or Send to send it immediately to the ES system of the Revenue Agency and, consequently, to the recipient.

Upload of invoices

How Aruba Electronic Invoicing works

As previously mentioned, Aruba Electronic Invoicing also allows you to upload external invoices in XML format, check them and send them. To do so, access the main screen of the service and click on the button Upload invoice located in the left sidebar.

On the page that opens, click on the button Select documents and select the invoices to upload online. Files of up to 5MB are supported (as required by law) and multiple uploads can be made for up to 300 items and 30MB in weight at a time. Alternatively, you can also upload documents by dragging them with the mouse to the browser window.

Once the invoices have been uploaded and automatically validated, they will be numbered and appear at the bottom of the page, in a convenient list: using the latter, using the buttons on the right, you can decide whether save them in drafts, send them immediately or delete them, even massively (thus acting on several documents at a time). Easier than that?

Receipt of invoices

How Aruba Electronic Invoicing works

receive invoices through the Aruba Electronic Invoicing service, you must register your recipient code on the Invoices and Payments service of the Revenue Agency, in order to receive all invoices at the electronic address set on the Revenue Agency website.

By registering the electronic address with the Revenue Agency, in fact, it is not only the service owner who checks the correctness of the data (suppliers could make typing errors) but, in this case, it will no longer even be necessary to communicate to the suppliers own code: the invoice issued will always and in any case arrive on the web application.

Alternatively, you can communicate yours recipient code to all those who have to send you an invoice in electronic format. The Aruba recipient code is KRRH6B9 and you can find it in the menu Configuration> Receive data accessible from the left sidebar. The person issuing the invoice must therefore enter the recipient code KRRH6B9 in the appropriate field of each XML to make you receive the documents correctly.

Once received, the invoices can be viewed in Aruba Electronic Invoicing by selecting the item Invoices received from the left sidebar and clicking on the button Show placed in correspondence of each of them. Furthermore, using the text fields located under the headings of each column (eg. Received date, Number o Sender), you can quickly filter the invoices to find those of your interest.

The possibility of exporting one or more invoices to PDF o XML, even massively, by placing the check mark on the appropriate boxes and choosing one of the options available in the menu Actions (top left).

By clicking on the button instead Import received invoices you can import invoices already transited by SDI and received via PEC, Invoice and Fee Portal or other software to your Electronic Invoicing service. The files must be in .XML or .P7M format (also contained in zip archives).

How Aruba Electronic Invoicing works

For the import to be successful, it is necessary to upload the invoice file and the related meta data files (generally identified in the file name with the abbreviation MT, metaDato, metadata or associated_information_).

Invoice management

How Aruba Electronic Invoicing works

If you have decided to save draft invoices before sending them, you can access them by simply selecting the item Drafts from the side menu of Aruba Electronic Invoicing.

From the page that opens, then, you can click on the draft line to view itspreview or choose whether change, eliminate, duplicate o send the drafts by clicking on the buttons corresponding to them (on the right in the menu Actions). If, on the other hand, you want to download the documents as PDF o XML, you have to click on the relative icons present before the buttons mentioned above.

To perform the same operation on multiple invoices at the same time, check the appropriate boxes and select one of the options available in the menu Actions in the top left.

Once sent, the invoices are all kept in accordance with the law and become accessible via voice Invoices sent present in the side menu of Aruba Electronic Invoicing.

Changing data and settings

How Aruba Electronic Invoicing works

Do you want to change some settings relating to the pension fund or tax regime? Would you like to add new customers, products or services to your database without starting the creation of a new invoice? No problem: Aruba Electronic Invoicing allows you to change all the preferences set in the initial configuration phase of the service and to customize the list of customers, products and services in a very simple way.

If you want to change settings related to the tax regime, All 'VAT collectability, To pension fund or to considered, all you have to do is click on the gear icon at the top of the home page and select the item Billing Profile> Tax Profile from the left sidebar, go to the information tab to modify and adjust the preferences of your interest. Once the changes are complete, click on the button Save to save everything.

If, on the other hand, you want to change the data of the transferor / lender, select the voice Billing Profile> Master Data from the gear icon menu, go to the card dedicated to the transferor / lender or storage manager and click on the button Modification to apply the desired changes. When the operation is completed, click on the button Save to save everything.

Many other settings (price display, pdf print options, management of email and certified e-mail alerts, agenda, compilation suggestions, etc.) can be changed by selecting, again from the gear-shaped settings menu, the item General, while from the section Collaborations you can check your connections with accountants and Premium accounts and add other proxies.

To edit the list of customers, providers, products, banks, payments, VAT codes e unit of measure, select the option registries from the left sidebar and choose one of the items that appear below. Then proceed with the modification or addition of new elements as explained in the section of the tutorial dedicated to the creation of invoices (then by clicking on the button Add new and filling out the form that is proposed to you) and that's it.

Finally, I point out that, by accessing the menu Financial communications (again via the Aruba Electronic Invoicing sidebar), you can upload financial communications in P7M format to your database, view the invoice data and those of VAT settlements.

How to use Aruba Electronic Invoicing from smartphones and tablets

How Aruba Electronic Invoicing works

Aruba Electronic Invoicing is also available as an application for smartphones and tablets. By downloading theAruba Electronic Invoicing app for Android or iOS / iPadOS you can in fact have your electronic invoices always at hand, with the ability to create, send, receive, manage and store electronic invoices just like you do from the web application.

To download the app, all you have to do is search for it in the store of your device and select it from the search results (or visit the links I just provided) and then press the button Installa / Ottieni. If you are using an Apple device, you may be asked to verify your identity with Face ID, Touch ID, or Apple ID password.

When the download is complete, open the application, accept the condizioni d'uso e access with your account. Once this is done, you can create a new invoice by simply clicking on the button capacitor positive (+) lead located at the bottom right and inserting i document data in the appropriate form (with the possibility of selecting the customer from the list of those stored); continue you can by adding products and services and, finally, email the invoice by pressing the appropriate button.

In an equally simple way you will be able to visualize the invoices received (with push notifications that will notify you of their arrival), manage the personal data of customers and suppliers, the list of products and services, share documents with the accountant and customers through the other applications on your device and choose how to manage invoices. You can access all the functions via the practical menu ☰ at the top left. More info here.

For more information

How Aruba Electronic Invoicing works

If, at this point of the tutorial, you still have any doubts about how Aruba electronic invoicing works, I highly recommend that you consult the official guide of the service: inside you will find a complete overview of what electronic invoicing is and the solutions. offers from Aruba. To access the various sections, all you have to do is click on the appropriate items located in the left sidebar.

Other very useful resources, which I recommend you to consult, are the "Frequently Asked Questions" section of the Aruba website (in which there are answers to the most frequently asked questions by users of the service related to electronic invoicing), the YouTube channel with videos tutorials that illustrate the operation of Aruba Electronic Invoicing and the Aruba Magazine, which instead contains lots of interesting news related to the world of electronic invoicing.

If you need support, you can connect to the Aruba support page, where you can find a form for request assistance for a service you have purchased (in which to enter your account data, and then click on the button New request) and a form for receive information about a new service you are interested in (which you can access by clicking on the button Request information).

Article created in collaboration with Aruba.

How Aruba Electronic Invoicing works

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