How the receipt lottery works

Difference between state cashback and receipt lottery

How the receipt lottery works

Before going into the detail of the guide and explaining yourself how the receipt lottery works, let me clarify how the initiative differs from state cashback.

Although they are often mentioned together, the state cashback is a separate initiative from the receipt lottery. The latter started in an experimental phase a December 2020 (from 8 to 31 December 2020, to be precise) and basically serves two things: promoting the use of electronic money and decreasing tax evasion; two fields on which the city still has a lot of work to do.

The state cashback allows you to have a 10% refund, up to a maximum of 150 euros / semester (300 euros / year), on purchases made with electronic money, exclusively at the physical stores. Online stores are excluded from the initiative - and also from the receipt lottery - as they naturally provide for the registration of all transactions, so there is no need to combat tax evasion in that field. However, the initiative is suspended after the first half, at the end of June 2021, and it is not known whether it will be resumed in the future.

By electronic money, in case you were wondering, we mean all traceable payment systems that do not involve the use of cash, for example credit / debit cards and smartphone payment systems. Prepaid cards such as HYPE, N26, buddybank and Revolut, which I have had the opportunity to tell you about in the past and which can be requested comfortably from a smartphone in a few taps, and payment apps such as Satispay (available for both Android and iOS) are also fine. / iPadOS).

Learn more about HYPE More about N26 More about Revolut

To access the cashback you must do at least 50 traceable payments per semester, up to a maximum of 1.500 euros. Only transactions up to a maximum value of 150 euros for a single transaction (therefore the reimbursement per single operation never exceeds 15 euros). The reimbursement is paid within 60 days from the end of each semester. Only for the month of December 2020, during the experimentation phase of the initiative, there is a cashback of a maximum of 150 euros on a maximum number of 10 payments (disbursed in February 2021).

To participate in the initiative, one or more electronic payment methods must be registered atIO app Public Administration (available for both Android and iOS / iPadOS); to use the app you need to authenticate via SPID or electronic identity card (CIE). Always within the IO app, theIBAN of the account on which to receive the refund of the cashback. Alternatively, I point out that it is possible to activate the payment methods to be associated with the State cashback through the apps of some payment systems participating in the initiative, for example the aforementioned Satispay. In any case, the IO app is always good to use it, also because it allows you to access many other interesting initiatives of the PA.

If any of the steps are not clear to you or in any case you need more details on State cashback, I suggest you read the guide that I have dedicated specifically to the initiative. Now let's move on to the receipt lottery.

La lottery of receipts, whose departure is scheduled for February 2021, allows all in your languagen citizens of age to participate in the cash prize draw simply by making purchases in the physical stores and associating them with a personal code associated with your tax code, to be shown to merchants at the time of payment. The code can be easily generated on the initiative website and does not require the use of the IO app.

Like state cashback, the receipt lottery rewards only those who pay with e-money, with the prizes that are also for the exhibitors. There is no need to register payment methods to IO or other apps. The draws are weekly, monthly and yearly with prizes of up to 5 million euros per year. For all the details read on.

How the receipt lottery works

Having clarified the differences with the state cashback, I would say to go to the point and analyze in more detail the functioning of the receipt lottery.

What is the receipt lottery

How the receipt lottery works

As anticipated a few lines above, the lottery of receipts is an initiative that, starting with February 2021, allows all in your languagen citizens of age to win cash prizes simply by making purchases with electronic money at physical stores and showing exhibitors a personal code to be generated through the official website of the initiative, by entering your tax code.

It is possible to get 1 virtual ticket for every euro spent, up to a maximum of 1.000 virtual tickets for purchases of an amount equal to or greater than 1.000 euros; if you don't spend a “round figure”, every 50 cents spent you are entitled to another ticket.

They do not allow you to participate in the lottery purchases of less than 1 euro, purchases made online and purchases intended for the exercise of a business, art or profession. Furthermore, during the start-up phase of the lottery, purchases documented by electronic invoices, purchases for which the data of the payments are transmitted to the Health Card system (e.g. those made at pharmacies, parapharmacies, opticians, laboratories analysis, veterinary surgeries, etc.) and purchases for which the buyer requests the operator to acquire his own tax code for the purpose of tax deduction or deduction.

In case you were wondering, the receipt lottery does not allow the tracking of purchases made by citizens. The lottery system of the Customs and Monopolies Agency, in fact, only receives data regarding the amount spent, the method of payment (cash or electronic) and the lottery code. In other words, no specific data arrives on the products purchased and there is no profanation of spending habits, neither by the PA nor by the merchants.

Le extractions of the lottery receipts are weekly, monthly and yearly with prizes up to 5 million euros a year. In the event of a win, the Customs and Monopolies Agency formally warns the winner with a registered letter with return receipt or a message via PEC (who will then have to follow the instructions received to collect the prize).

Furthermore, by entering your mobile number in the reserved area of ​​the initiative website (which can be accessed with SPID, CNS, Fisconline or Entratel credentials), you will also receive an informal communication via SMS. Prizes must be claimed within 90 days of receiving the winning notification. It is not necessary to present the receipts of your purchases to participate in the draws or collect your winnings.

Extractions and prizes

How the receipt lottery works

As regards the ticket lottery draws, these take place on a weekly, monthly and yearly basis. Going into more detail, the following draws are planned for 2021.

  • Weekly draws with 15 prizes of € 25.000 for buyers and € 5.000 for merchants.
  • Monthly draws with 10 prizes of € 100.000 for buyers and € 20.000 for merchants.
  • Annual drawing with 1 prize of 5 million euros for buyers and 1 million euros for exhibitors.

Each receipt can be a winner in only one draw. In the reserved area of ​​the receipt lottery site you can check which draws your receipts participate in.

For more information, you can also consult the pages dedicated to drawings and prizes on the official website of the initiative.

How to apply for a lottery ticket code

How the receipt lottery works

As mentioned several times previously, a personal code is required to participate in the receipt lottery. All you need to do for request the lottery code of the receipts is to connect to the official website of the initiative and enter yours fiscal Code in the appropriate text field. Then check the box relating toacceptance of data protection regulations, copy the captcha code displayed below and click on the button Generate the code.

This will open a page with your code, which you can be print and download in the form of a PNG image, by clicking on the appropriate buttons. My advice is to save the image on your smartphone, so you can always have it with you, without wasting paper and without the risk of forgetting it at home.

If you have an iPhone, you can also use apps like 1Wallet to add the lottery code of the receipts to the iOS Wallet (but you can very well keep the PNG file and open the image from time to time when you need it, nothing changes).

In case of loss, you can find your code in the personal area of ​​the receipt lottery site. Alternatively, you can generate a new code by following the procedure described above. Maximum can be generated 20 lottery codes for each tax code. If the maximum number of generated codes is reached, one of the previously generated codes will be provided in response to the request to generate a new code.

By accessing your private area it is possible both block and delete a lottery code. The cancellation of the code becomes active within 48 hours of the request and is an irreversible operation: it also deletes the receipts and virtual tickets associated with it (which therefore will not participate in the drawings); the block, on the other hand, does not exclude the code from extractions.

How to participate in the receipt lottery

How the receipt lottery works

Once you get yours personal code, to participate in the receipt lottery all you have to do is buy your favorite products in a physical store (taking into account the exceptions mentioned above) and show your code to the merchant. The purchase will thus be associated with one or more virtual tickets (I remind you that you will be entitled to a virtual ticket for every euro spent, up to a maximum of 1.000 tickets for purchases of an amount equal to or greater than 1.000 euros) and you will automatically participate in the draws.

If you are a merchant, to participate in the lottery you just need to use the telematic cash register to issue the electronic receipt and register the lottery code that your customer will show you. In this way you will be in good standing with the tax authorities and will be able to participate in zero-cash drawings. More info here.

For more information

How the receipt lottery works

If you need them more information on the receipt lottery, I invite you to consult the FAQ section of the official website, where you can find the answers to the most frequently asked questions about the initiative.

Also, I point out that by pressing on the cue ball "Do you want help?", present at the bottom right on the pages of the lottery site, you can access a chat assistance service able to resolve any doubts not adequately clarified by the FAQ.

How the receipt lottery works

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