How to be contacted by Premium

Get Premium to contact you if you are not a customer

How to be contacted by Premium

I not Premium customers who wish to receive more details on the offers or who need assistance to complete the subscription to a subscription, can use the service Call me now which allows you to be contacted by telephone by a Mediaset Premium operator.

If you are one of these and want to be called by a Premium employee, connect to the Mediaset Premium website and press the button Buy Now present at the top right, then, in the box on the right, locate the item If you are not yet a subscriber and want more details on the offer and click on the option Leave your details.

On the newly opened page, enter your details in the fields Your name e Last name and choose whether to be contacted on a landline or mobile number, then type your number in one of the fields between Landline phone e Mobile phone and click sul pulsating Send. Wait a few moments and the writing You will be contacted as soon as possible will indicate the taking charge of your request.

How to be contacted by Premium

The wait varies according to the availability of an operator and usually takes place within the day of the contact request. If you don't receive any calls, repeat the operation and make sure the number entered is correct.

Let Premium contact you if you are already a customer

Mediaset Premium customers can request a phone call from an operator to find out about promotions and new offers, in the case of information on how to withdraw or cancel the subscription and to receive assistance in the event of anomalous problems.

To find out about promotions and offers

How to be contacted by Premium

If you have a Premium subscription and want to find out about the new promotions and offers of the "biscione" pay TV, you can call the toll-free number 800.303.404 from landline or number from mobile. The service is active every day from 08.00 to 24.00.

Then initiate the call and press the key 1 to be contacted and receive information on promotions and new special offers, then type the 12-digit number on the back of your Mediaset Premium card and follow the instructions given in the guide. The procedure is the same whether you call from a landline or a mobile phone.

For information on withdrawal and termination

How to be contacted by Premium

If your intention is to cancel your Premium subscription, you can request to be contacted by an operator and get information on how to withdraw and cancel the subscription.

Then connect to the Premium site, scroll down the page and click on the option Info withdrawal present in the footer under the heading Useful links. Now, fill out the form by entering your details in the fields Your name, Last nameMobile phone numberLandline phone number, Mediaset Premium card number and push button on the pulsating Send. As soon as a Premium operator is available, you will receive a call.

Alternatively, you can read my guides on how to send Mediaset Premium immediate cancellation and how to return the Premium Smart Cam.

For assistance on abnormal issues

How to be contacted by Premium

To access the Premium customer area, connect to the official website of the service and click on the item Log In present at the top right, then enter your login data in the fields Username e Password and push button on the pulsating Log in. If you don't have an account yet, click on the entry Register now and follow the registration procedure.

After logging in, click on the option Quick present at the top right and click on the item Premium solves. Through this section you can solve some recurring problems online but, if the problem persists and an anomaly is found based on your answers, you can have an operator contact you.

Let's take a practical example: if you use a Premium decoder and on your TV the image remains frozen on all channels, access the section Premium solves and follow the path to solve the problem. In the first step, select Decoder Premium to indicate the device used to watch Mediaset Premium and press the button NEXT. Then select the decoder model among those listed and put the check mark next to your problem, in this case Freeze on still image.

Then confirm that you have updated the Premium decoder software and put the proposed solution into practice: if the problem persists, put the check mark next to the item No, then select the item Si to confirm the operation of the remote control. Finally, choose one of the two options available from Yes, for everyone e No, just a few to indicate if the problem is found on all channels and in the box on the right you will see the message If you are unable to solve the problem, click on the Next button and Mediaset Premium will call you back: then presses the button NEXT to be contacted as soon as possible by a Premium operator.

Note: the Premium Resolve service allows you to be contacted by a Premium operator if you are unable to solve the problem online and only in particular cases. I therefore invite you not to use this procedure in order to be contacted for other issues.

Contact Premium Customer Service

The best solution to talk to a Mediaset Premium operator is to contact customer service. It is possible to request assistance either by telephone, but also via the Internet from the customer area of ​​the Mediaset Premium website or through the free My Premium application.

Telephone support

How to be contacted by Premium

The most immediate way to get in touch with Premium's customer service is to use the telephone, calling one of the numbers that Mediaset has made available to its customers.

If you need to contact Premium for card activation, top-ups and the purchase of Mediaset Premium prepaid offers, you can call the toll-free number 800.303.404 from landline or number from mobile. The service is active every day from 08.00 to 24.00.

Once the call has been started, the key combination to press is identical for both landline and mobile phone calls: then press the key 1 to be contacted by an operator as described above, otherwise press the key 2 and type il 12-digit number present on the back of your Mediaset Premium card to carry out one of the operations mentioned above.

Alternatively, pay numbers are available depending on the type of problem and user.

  • 199.309.309: number active every day from 9 to 23 for information and assistance. Customers can call for purchases or information relating to Mediaset Premium and Premium Online. The cost of a landline call is 15 cents / min with no connection fee, while from a mobile phone the maximum cost is 49 cents / min with a connection fee of 16 cents.
  • 199.303.505: this is the number that owners and managers of public places and hotels can contact to request assistance from an operator and to purchase Premium content. The service is active every day from 9 to 23 and costs 3 cents / min with a connection fee of 7 cents. from a fixed network and a maximum cost of 49 cents / min with connection fee of 16 cents from the mobile network.
  • 199.303.300: service active every day from 9 am to 23 pm for information and assistance relating to the verification and regularization of the administrative management of Mediaset Premium and Premium Online. The cost of a call from a fixed network is 3 cents / min with a connection fee of 7 cents, while from a mobile network it has a maximum cost of 49 cents / min with a connection fee of 16 cents.

Chat support

How to be contacted by Premium

You can also contact Premium through the chat that appears at the bottom right of some pages of the official pay TV site. If you see an orange window with the inscription You want to start a chat, award-winning Yes to access the chat section. The service is active every day from 9 to 21.

Alternatively, connect directly to the Webchat Premium URL address and enter your details in the fields Your name, Last name, Email and in non-mandatory fields Card code e Tax Code. Then press the button Continue to start the chat, wait a few moments and an operator will contact you.

How to be contacted by Premium

In the field Please enter your message type in your request and click the button Send to send the message. Then wait for the operator to answer and, at the end of the conversation, press the button Close chat to close the window. If you wish, before closing the chat you can print the conversation by clicking on the icon printer located at the top right of the chat.

App My Premium

How to be contacted by Premium

Premium customers can contact Mediaset Premium assistance also via their mobile device by downloading the free application My Premium available for Android and iOS devices.

After downloading the app, start it and at the first access press the button Accept to accept the terms of use, then click on the items Log in e Log in to the customer area, enter your login data in the fields Username e Password e fai tap sul pulsating Log in.

Now, press on the option Quick and press on the item Contacts, then choose whether to send your request by message by clicking on the option Write to us or start an instant chat and chat with a Premium operator by tapping on the voice Live Chat. The chat service is active every day from 9 to 21.

How to be contacted by Premium

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