How payment on Amazon works

Pay with credit card

How payment on Amazon works

Among the easiest payment methods to use on Amazon are the credit cards and debit cards, including prepaid such as PostePay and HYPE. All cards from the Visa, Visa Electron, Postepay, American Express, Mastercard, Maestro Internazionale (issued abroad) and Carta Si circuits are accepted.

To pay on Amazon with your card, connect to the main page of the service and click on the button Log in (top right) to enter your login details and log into your Amazon account. Now, click on the option Account e list, click on the item Payment options e pulsing sul pulsating Add a card, then enter the data in the fields Intestatary letter, Card number, Expiration date and click sul pulsating Add your card to complete the addition.

As a security measure to confirm the validity of your credit card, Amazon may contact your bank and request an authorization of 1 euro. As stated in the Amazon guidelines, this is not a charge and the amount will not be deducted from your balance.

You can remove a card at any time: press the item Account e list, click the option Payment options, tap on paper to be eliminated and presses on the buttons Delete e Confirm deletion.

Pay with a virtual credit card

How payment on Amazon works

Some banks offer the service of virtual credit card, thanks to which those who do not want to use a real credit card can obtain a temporary code of 16 digits and make online purchases in total safety.

To create a virtual credit card, connect to your bank's online site or go to the physical branch to request the service. You can create a "disposable" virtual credit card (to be used for a single operation) or a "durable" credit card by choosing how many months it must be active before it is no longer valid.

Got the code of 16 code from your bank, you can pay for your purchases on Amazon with a virtual credit card as if it were a normal credit card, thus following the procedure described above.

Pay by bank account

How payment on Amazon works

Il Bank account is another payment method accepted by Amazon. It is not usable for all products, so it is less recommended than paper, but it remains a viable option. To use it, go to the Amazon home page, log into your account (if necessary) and click the button first Account e list (top right) and then on the item Payment options, on the page that opens.

At this point, clicca sulla voce Add a checking account, located at the bottom of the page that is proposed to you, and fill out the form that appears below providing BIC (codice Swift)IBANName associated with the account. To finish, click on the button Add a checking account.

If you are wondering, using your bank account as a payment method on Amazon, the charge is made only when the ordered items are shipped, while for digital orders it is done when Amazon sends the download link for the purchased content. More info here.

Pay with Gift Vouchers

How payment on Amazon works

On Amazon, you can also pay for your purchases using a Gift voucher. There are several ways to get Amazon coupons, such as survey panels, opening a new current account and purchasing services and subscriptions.

If you have an Amazon gift card and want to add it to your account, connect to the Amazon home page and press the button Log in to login. Then presses on the voice Gift Vouchers present under the search bar, click on the option Add to your account and, in the field Enter the gift voucher code, enter the code of the Amazon voucher in your possession. Then press the button Add to my account to add the amount of the voucher to your Amazon balance and proceed with the purchases.

After adding a product to the cart, press the button to pay for it with your Amazon balance I proceeded all'ordine, select the delivery address and the shipping method, then make sure that on the screen Select a payment method the item is selected Use [euro] Promotional credit present under the option Your balances and click sui pulsnti Continue e Buy it now to complete the purchase. To find out more, you can read my guides on how to get Amazon coupons and how to convert Amazon coupons.

Pay cash

How payment on Amazon works

If you do not trust to enter your card details on the Internet, if you do not have a credit card or your prepaid card does not have the necessary sum to cover the entire cost of your purchase, you can rely on one of the options that allow you to pay cash.

The first solution of this kind that I advise you to consider (available only by choosing a shipping method among those that do not provide for delivery in one working day) is the option Pay in cash which allows you to complete an order and, in the next 48 hours, make the payment in cash by going in person to one of the 4.300 Western Union agencies scattered throughout the city.

To choose this payment option, after adding the items you wish to purchase in the cart of your Amazon account, click on the button I proceeded all'ordine and, in the new screen that appears, tap on the option Modification related to the item Terms of Payment.

Now, locate the section Pay in cash at the nearest point of sale, click on the option Start using Pay in Cash at your nearest point of sale and tick to accept the terms of service. Then click on the button Continue, locate the Western Union agency closest to you and press the button again Continue, to complete your order and obtain a payment code that you will need to use to pay for your purchases within 48 hours.

How payment on Amazon works

At this point, go in person to the Western Union agency of your interest, contact an employee at the cashier and provide the payment code you obtained earlier. After paying in cash, you will be provided with a paper receipt as confirmation of payment and you will also receive an email from Amazon.

La Top up at the cash desk is another solution that allows you to pay cash on Amazon, albeit indirectly. In fact, it is first necessary to top up your Amazon account by making a top up at one of the participating points of sale, such as the Lis Carica bookshops of Lottomatica, the SisalPay sales points and Epay sales points, and then use the available balance to pay for your purchases.

Before entering into the recharge procedure, connect to the Sisal site to check the nearest point of sale, then enter the street of your home or your city in the field Vicino a, type Amazon reload in the field Choose a product or service e pulsing sul pulsating Search to view the map with the stores in your area.

How payment on Amazon works

Now, connected to the Amazon site and presses on the item Log in present at the top right, then enter your data in the fields Email address or mobile number e Password and click sul pulsating Log in to authenticate to your account. Then press on the voice Gift Vouchers, click the option Refill - At the cash desk present in the menu on the left and press the button Get your barcode to get the barcode that you will have to show at the point of sale to top up.

To print the barcode, click the button Print my barcode, otherwise you can choose to receive the code via SMS. In the latter case, you must first proceed with verifying your phone number: then press the button Check my phone number, type your number in the field Cellphone e premi sui pulsnti Continue e OK, then enter the verification code received by SMS in the field Insertion codice, tap on the item Verifica And that's it. To get the barcode, press the button Send my barcode via SMS and within a few seconds you will receive a message containing a link: press it to view your code.

How payment on Amazon works

At this point, go to one of the authorized points of sale and request to make an Amazon recharge in one of the available denominations (10 €, 25 €, 50 € e 100 €), then shows the barcode obtained just now and makes the payment. The top-up amount will be automatically added to your Amazon account and will be valid for 10 years from the date of issue.

To view your account balance, click on the entry Account e list and presses on the option Gift Vouchers. You can see the amount available next to the item Current balance, while under the heading Activities you can view all the activities of your Amazon account, including the top-ups made at the cash desk.

Pay with Bonus 18 app

How payment on Amazon works

If you are or are about to turn 18 and you are entitled to Culture Bonus, the initiative by the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism and the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, you can pay on Amazon through the good 18 app that allow you to buy books, ebooks, audio books, CDs and vinyls.

To pay on Amazon via good 18 apps, connect to the 18app site and click the button Sign in with SPID present at the top right, then select theIdentity provider on which you have obtained your digital identity, enter your data in the fields Username e Password and presses the button Sign in with SPID. If you don't have this data yet, you can read my guide on how to get SPID credentials.

Adesso, click on the button Create coupon and presses on the voice Online, then click on the option Recorded music if you intend to buy a CD or vinyl, otherwise click on the option Books if you want to buy a book, audiobook or ebook. In the field Amount of the voucher, type the cut of the voucher to be created (5 €, 10 €, 25 € e 50 €), then presses the buttons Create coupon e Confirmation and copy the code that will be shown on the screen.

How payment on Amazon works

To convert the 18 app voucher into an Amazon voucher, connected to the site, enter the code created just now in the field Good 18 app and enter your email in the field Email, then put the check mark for consent to the processing of personal data and click on the button Start to receive the Amazon voucher by email.

Now, proceed with your Amazon purchases to be made in the categories Books, eBook Kindle, CDs and Vinyls, add the product of your interest to the cart and proceed with the order. On the screen Select a payment method, click the option Enter a gift certificate or promotional code and in the field Insertion codice enter the voucher code received via email. Finally, press the button Continue to apply the Amazon voucher (or part of it) and then on the button Buy it now to complete the payment and purchase. To learn more, I leave you to my guide on how to buy on Amazon with 18app.

Pay with PayPal

How payment on Amazon works

It's possible pay with PayPal on Amazon? There are many who ask this question and, although on the Web the answer is a categorical "no", it is somehow possible. Let's be clear: Amazon does not allow you to link your PayPal account, but no one prohibits you from moving the money in your electronic account to an associated prepaid card.

If you are wondering why not to pay directly with the prepaid card, the answers are multiple: the prepaid card may not have enough credit (and reloading it has a cost) or simply all your money is in your PayPal account. This explains why paying with PayPal on Amazon is possible, even if it is not a quick practice.

To do this, connect to the PayPal site and click on the button Log in to authenticate with your data, then click on the option My bill present at the top and click on the item Transfer money present on the left. Now, type the amount to be transferred in the field Price, in the drop-down menu select the paper on which to transfer the money and presses the button Continue to confirm.

The transfer can take 1-2 business days depending on the bank or financial institution. You can learn more by reading my guide on how to pay with PayPal on Amazon.

How payment on Amazon works

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