How to open VCF

Open VCF files on PC

If you have a VCF file and you want to import it to your PC using your favorite mail client, follow the instructions below. I assure you it is not difficult.

Microsoft Outlook (Windows / Mac)

Do you use Microsoft Outlook as your default email client? Well, then know that you can import the contacts contained in a VCF file directly into the program's address book. All you have to do is press the button Fillet which is located at the top left, go to the menu Open and export and press the button Import / Export.

How to open VCF

In the window that opens, select the option Importa file vCard (.vcf)click your NEXT and select the vcf file from which to import contacts.

How to open VCF

The procedure I have just shown you concerns Outlook 2016 but can be applied with very slight changes even on previous versions of the software.

Mozilla Thunderbird (Windows / Mac / Linux)

Have you chosen to use Mozilla Thunderbird to manage your email? Great. Again, just a few clicks are enough for open VCF file and import the contacts in them into the program's address book.

All you have to do is call up the Address book pressing the appropriate button in the Thunderbird toolbar (top left) and select the item Tools> Import from the menu available in the window that opens.

How to open VCF

At this point, metti il ​​segno di spunta accanto alla voce headingsclick your NEXT, select the voice file vCard (.vcf) and presses up again NEXT to select the VCF file from which to import names and email addresses. Easier than that?

Apple Mail (Mac)

To import the contacts included in a VCF file into the Apple Mail address book you have to go through the app Contacts of macOS. How? Simply double clicking on the VCF file from which to import names, email addresses and other data and pressing the button Import in the window that opens.

If the double click does not automatically open the Contacts application on the Mac, manually start the latter (you will find its icon on the first screen of the Launchpad), select File> Import from the menu on the top left and select the VCF file with the contacts to import. You may be asked to validate some contact details to complete the operation.

Free VCF file to CSV Converter (Windows/Mac)

If you want to view the contents of a CSV file without importing it into the address book of your computer or your email client, you can rely on Free VCF file to CSV Converter. Free VCF file to CSV Converter is a macro for Microsoft Excel that allows you to view the content of VCF files as a spreadsheet and export it to formats such as CSV (which is accepted by most email clients and online email services ).

To use the macro, download it on your PC by connecting to the SourceForge page that hosts it and clicking on the green button Download. When the download is complete, open the file VCF Import v3.xlsmclick on your button Enable content to authorize the execution of the scripts in the document and select the VCF file to view. Wait a few seconds and all the data in the file (names, emails, telephone numbers, addresses and so on) should appear in Excel. You may be asked if you want to delete blank lines.

To export the document as a CSV file or Excel sheet, go to the menu File> Save with nome and select the file type you prefer most from the drop-down menu Save eat.

Open VCF files in Web Mail Services

Instead of traditional email clients, do you use Web Mail services, such as Google's Gmail or Microsoft's No problem. Here's how to import VCF files into the latter.


Do you want to import new contacts into the Gmail address book? No problem, you can feed your VCF files to the Google Web Mail service by following a few simple steps.

All you have to do is open the browser, connect to the Google Contacts service and click on the items More> Import present in the left sidebar. In the box that opens, select the item CSV or vCard file, award-winning Select file and choose the file with the contacts to import. Finally, press the button Import and wait for the operation to finish.

How to open VCF does not allow you to directly import contacts from VCF format files, but it does allow you to do so from CSV files. So before moving on, download the Free VCF file to CSV Converter macro that I pointed out to you earlier and use it to convert your VCF file to a CSV file.

When the operation is complete, open the browser, connect to your mailbox on and first click on the icon with i white squares which is at the top left and then on the box People present in the menu that appears.

In the new screen that is shown to you, click on the button Manage che si trova in alto a destra, select the voice Import contacts from the menu that appears and press the button Shop by Department. Then select the CSV file from which to import the contacts and press the button Import which is at the bottom left.

How to open VCF

Within a few seconds, the importing of contacts should be done. A confirmation message will notify you of the completion of the procedure.

Open VCF files on smartphones and tablets

Do you want to import a VCF file on a smartphone or tablet? Don't worry, this is really a breeze - just use the right apps.


There are two ways to open VCF file on Android: the first is to use an application to import contacts into the Android address book, the second involves synchronizing the Gmail address book (which, as we have seen previously, allows you to easily import the names contained in VCF files) .

If you want to import contacts from a local VCF file (previously copied to the phone memory or to the microSD card inserted in the device) use the application Contacts of Android. The procedure to follow is very simple: after opening the app, press the button (...) che si trova in alto a destra e seleciona la voce Import / export give the menu to compare.

Then select the source from which to copy the contacts (eg. SD card), presses the button NEXT, indicates the destination where to copy the contacts (eg. Telephone) and go again NEXT. Then put the check mark next to the item Import a vCard file, select the VCF file of your interest and press the button OK but I will complete the operation.

How to open VCF

If you can't import contacts via the included “stock” Android app, try Import Contacts. It is a third-party application available in two versions: a free one that has not been updated for some time, but it still seems to perform its duty perfectly (I have successfully tested it on a Moto G with Android Lollipop 5.1) , and a more updated one that costs 1,15 euros (use that in case the free version should give problems).

To use Import Contacts, all you have to do is start the app, press the button Next, expand the drop-down menu Folder (to scan) for vCards and select one of the two available options: Import contacts from a single vCard file if you want to import all the contacts contained in a single VCF file or Scan a follare to scan for vCard files and import any contacts found if you want to select a folder that contains many single vCard files.

Next, choose the file or folder of your interest, press on OK, choose what behavior to adopt towards duplicate contacts (I suggest you leave the check mark on Ask me what to do to choose what to do case by case) and press on Next e Begin to start importing contacts on your smartphone or tablet.

If you prefer to go the path of cloud synchronization, import the VCF file with your contacts into Gmail (as we saw before) and make sure that the address book synchronization service is active on your device. To do this, go to the menu Settings of Android, select the items Account> Google from the screen that opens, presses on your address gmail and verify that the option Contacts is set to ON (otherwise activate it yourself).

iPhone / iPad

To import a VCF file on iPhone or iPad, all you have to do is send it to yourself by email, open the message that contains it via Apple Mail (the default iOS client) and select the VCF file present as an attachment.

The iOS Contacts app will automatically open and ask you if you want to import the contacts included in the selected VCF file. All you have to do is press on the voice Add all xx contacts and the import of the contacts will take place immediately.

How to open VCF

Alternatively, you can take advantage of iCloud address book synchronization. If you have a Mac you can import VCF files into the Contacts app, as we saw earlier (as long as iCloud is also active on macOS). Otherwise you can act directly from the browser. How? I'll explain it to you right away. Open your favorite navigation program (eg. Safari o Chrome), connected to the site and log in using your Apple ID information.

Then select the icon Contacts, presses the button in the shape of gear located at the bottom left and choose the item VCard import from the menu that opens. Then select the VCF file from which to import the contacts and that's it.

To check that the synchronization with the iCloud address book is on, go to the menu Settings for iOS, select the icon iCloud and verify that the option Contacts is set to ON (otherwise activate it yourself).

How to open VCF

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