How to contact Google

Contact Google for assistance

If it is your wish contact Google for assistance about one of the many services or software it offers, read on. In the next few lines I will show you, step by step, how to contact Google support through its official forums or on Twitter, by phone and also using the contact service made available to Google One subscribers.

Google help

How to contact Google

One of the main ways to ask Google for help is to use the Google help, a sort of hub that allows access to pages intended to offer complete support and assistance on a specific service offered by “big G”.

use the Google help it is very simple: just select the service of your interest, search for the topic that corresponds to your question or problem and, if there is not already one that can answer your questions, open a new thread to receive assistance through the available forums for each of the services of the Mountain View giant.

Having clarified this, let's go into the procedure in more detail: to start, connect to the Google Guide, clicking on the link I have just provided you and, on the page that opens, click on one of the services / products listed (eg. Google Chrome, YouTube, gmailGoogle Play and so on).

If you are looking for a product or service other than those listed, click on the ▼ icon, to see all the other products and / or services present within the categories Consumer, Business e Developers.

After clicking on a specific product or service, click on the tab corresponding to the type of problem for which you want to receive assistance: in the section The most read articles, for example, you can find some problems most frequently encountered by users; in the other available sections, however, you can find other articles regarding the type of problem attached to the card itself.

After you have expanded one of the tabs in question, click on the link corresponding to the article that answers your question and that can help you solve the problem you are experiencing. If you want, you can also try to search for the solution to a problem using the search bar, corresponding to the wording Describe your problem, which is placed at the top.

Google Forum

How to contact Google

La Google help doesn't contain the solution to your problem? You would like to know how to contact Google Maps, how to contact Google Play, how to contact Google Photos or how to contact the team at the head of some other Google family service and you still haven't figured out how to do it? Don't worry: the Google forum can help you.

Through a function present in the official guide of Google services, in fact, it is possible to ask for help regarding a certain problem using the assistance forum attached to the section of the guide taken into consideration.

To use it, after having gone to the section of the Google guide of your interest (eg. Google Chrome), click the button Forum of [service name], which is located at the bottom left of the page (eg. Google Chrome Forum).

At this point, on the page that will be shown to you, you can find the list of questions posed by other users. Under the heading Featured post, for example, you can find the topics that have attracted the most interest among the community.

By scrolling the page, however, you can browse through all the countless other topics covered in the forum and you can look for one that can help you solve your problem / doubt. Once you have identified a discussion potentially useful for your purposes, click on its title and consult it, to see if the solution to the problem you were looking for is actually given.

Would you like to interact with users in a discussion you are following? Then click on the item Reply, write your message in the box that appears and click on the item Public, to publish it. Before posting your message, you can also click on the symbol of clip to attach a photo or screenshot (very useful if you want to understand the type of problem you are having), or enrich your message by inserting a link (the icon of chain located at the bottom right of the box).

If you are not logged in to your Google account yet, you will be prompted to do so before posting your reply in a discussion. If you don't have a Google account yet, you can create one by following my guide dedicated to the topic.

If you want to open a new discussion on a topic that hasn't been covered yet, click on the link Ask a question (at the bottom of the home page of the selected forum) and, on the page that opens, write, corresponding to the entry Create your question, the question you want to ask the community and click on the button Continue.

Subsequently, specify, through the appropriate menus, the category which includes the problem encountered, the platform used, etc. and after describing the problem in the appropriate field and placing the check mark on the box I'm not a robot, click on your bottone Public.

If community users answer you, you will receive updates via email notifications which are set by default. Also for the opening of a new discussion, I point out that it is necessary to log in with your Google account.

Google support on Twitter

How to contact Google

If you love to "chirp" on Twitter, then you will be happy to know that you can contact Google for assistance using this tool as well. To take full advantage of this free support channel, please visit your verified account @ Googlecittà and become his follower using the button Follow. In this way you will be able to view in the Twitter timeline all the various updates that will be published by Google cities.

To contact the account, instead, click on the button Tweet and, in the box that opens, request support by briefly describing your problem. To make it easier for the Google team to get back to you as soon as possible, use the hashtag #gHelp. Please don't include any confidential information like your phone number or email address in your tweet, as this is a public message that anyone can view.

If you want to use Twitter to request assistance but, at the moment you are not subscribed to this social network, read the guide in which I explain how to subscribe to Twitter. If you already have a Twitter account but have not used it for some time and, therefore, do not know how to interface with Google through this social network, read the guide in which I explain in detail how Twitter works.

Contact Google by phone

How to contact Google

The most "classic" method to request assistance from Google is that of contact Google city by phone by calling the number 02 36618300, available Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 17:00.

After dialing the number on the dialer on your smartphone or on the keypad of your home phone, start the call and, after a few seconds, you will be able to hear a voice guide that will indicate the number keys to press to indicate the Google product or service for which you wish to receive assistance.

For example, at the time of writing this guide, for assistance you must press the button 1, in order to receive assistance in city language on Google products and services. Then, if you need help with Google products for business, press the button 1, while as regards the assistance dedicated to individuals, press the button 2.

Next, indicate which specific product or service you need assistance for: press the button 1 for problems with accessing your Gmail account, press the button 2 for support related to Android and Play Store or press the button 3, if you need help with Google Earth or Google Maps. The button 4 and button 5instead, they are dedicated to other general Google problems or to other services other than those listed above.

Contact Google by email

How to contact Google

If you are a subscriber to the service Google One, you can use the tools made available by the latter to interface with a Google expert via e-mail o chat.

The contact can be requested via the Google One web panel or from smartphones and tablets, using the app of the same name for Android. Either way, log in to to proceed Google One with your Google account credentials, then, in correspondence with the tab Quick, award-winning Chat or on the button Email.

By choosing to start a text conversation, be on chat that for e-mail, you must then confirm your name, select the area of ​​assistance through the relevant drop-down menu and fill in a form in which you briefly describe the problem encountered, in order to be contacted as soon as possible.

Both services are available from 09:00 to 17:00 from Monday to Friday; outside these times and days, however, you can only use the button Email, in order to send an e-mail message and wait for a contact from the Google team.

Contact Google for inappropriate content

How to contact Google

If you need to contact Google to report any problem - inappropriate content, errors on Google Maps, violation of one's privacy, etc. - access the Google contact page by clicking on the link I just provided and locate the section Privacy, protection and online safety (below, on the left).

Then click on the option Choose a product or option and, in the drop-down menu that appears, select one of the available items. You will be redirected to a support page where you can report attempts to Phishing, errors present in some services and so on (based on the option you clicked in the drop-down menu).

If, specifically, you want to report a problem concerning yours Gmail account, click here if you have received harassment from other users and wish to report it to Google or click here if you are unable to access your account because you think it has been the subject of a violation.

Based on the option you clicked, fill out the form if available, following the instructions you see on the screen to forward your report to Google. You will most likely not be contacted unless Google needs more information to resolve your problem. However, you can rest assured that your request will not be ignored at all.

If while you are watching a content on YouTube you have noticed that there is a clear violation of the terms of service (it is a violent video, it encourages criminal practices, it promotes terrorism, infringes copyright, etc.), you can report this to Google by clicking on the symbol (...).

Then, in the menu that is shown to you, click on the button Report. At this point, specify the reason why you want to report the video, by placing the check mark on the relevant item (for example Spam or deceptive) and confirm the message by clicking on the wording NEXT.

You can rest assured that Google will take your report into account and, if it deems it appropriate, will delete the multimedia content from its platform.

Contact Google Adsense

How to contact Google

You need to contact Google Adsense for an advertising problem on your website? In this case, you should know that there are different solutions available to you, depending on the problem you are experiencing.

For example, if you need assistance with Adsense offers you need to connect to the dedicated section of Google support. This will indicate that, to solve the problem you encountered, you can consult the Adsense guide of the help center or direct your questions to community, as explained in the previous chapters.

Alternatively, if you are part of the Google partnership program, you can receive assistance via email, using the appropriate contact form on the YouTube Help Center page.

If, on the other hand, you need to contact the department Sales di Google Adsense, as you need customized advertising solutions, connect to the appropriate web page and fill out the form that is shown on the screen, indicating your details and your email address for the purpose of a recontact. However, this specific support is aimed at the owners of a website with at least 3 million page views per month or with over 300.000 page views per month.

Contact Google My Business

How to contact Google

For Google My Business the resources made available by Google are mainly the same that concern the support of all the other products and / or services of the company dedicated to individuals.

The solutions that you can consider, therefore, are those that concern consulting the guide of Google My Business or the possibility of receiving assistance from community via the forum.

However, in the event that you need a more direct contact with the assistance team, you can use the appropriate contact form, proceeding by indicating the problem found and indicating the contact options, in the appropriate text fields.

Report problems to Google

How to contact Google

Have you been having trouble using a program made by Google such as Chrome lately? In this case you can use a function included in some programs made by the Mountain View company that allows you to send feedback related to their operation. Even if Google may not answer you (at least not in a very short time), it costs nothing to try.

For example, if you are using the browser Chrome on your computer, you can activate this reporting tool by clicking on the option Guide which is shown to you after clicking the button (...) (on Windows) or after clicking on the item Guide in the toolbar located at the top (on MacOS).

Once this is done, in the menu that is shown to you, select the item Report a problem…, to access the tool that will allow you to send feedback to Google.

How to contact Google

In the window that opens, type your message of text you want to send to the Google support team, indicate yours email address (it should already be set by default if you are logged in to your account) and possibly attach a file by clicking on the button Choose file and selecting one from the window that opens. Finally, to forward your message, click the button Send.

Now all you have to do is cross your fingers and hope that Google will give you an answer or, in any case, solve the problem you have brought to its attention.

How to contact Google

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