App to know where a person is

App to find out where a person is for free

If you are looking for aapp to know where a person is, you will be happy to know that there are valid solutions at no cost that allow you to view both the position in which a friend or relative is located and to monitor their movements in real time. Here are some such apps that might be right for you.

Google Maps (Android / iOS / iPadOS)

App to know where a person is

Among the first app to know where a person is for free that you can consider is there Google Maps. In fact, the famous Google application for street navigation and online map viewing, available for Android and iOS / iPadOS, also integrates a convenient system that allows you to share your position and view that of the people you are interested in.

To use it to share your location, start Google Maps on your device and, if you haven't already done so, log in with your Google account. At this point, tap on yours photo, at the top right, select the option Location sharing from the menu that opens and, in the new screen displayed, press the button Share location.

Once this is done, click on the option For 1 hour and, by pressing the buttons + e -, choose how long to share your location (at least 5 minutes e maximum 3 days). Alternatively, select the option Until deactivation to share your location with no time limit.

Now, select i contacts with whom to share the location on Google Maps and press the button Share, to start sharing. If in turn you want to locate a contact with whom you have shared your position, access the section again Location sharing, do tap sul contact name of your interest and, in the new screen displayed, press the button Request, to send a request to the contact in question. By pressing, instead, on the option Stop, you can turn off sharing of your location.

To locate a contact who has decided to share their location with you, go to the section Explore of Google Maps and locate his photo on the map. Alternatively, access the section Location sharing and first contact name of your interest to find out where it is and get directions to reach it.

WhatsApp (Android / iOS)

App to know where a person is

Also WhatsApp, the famous instant messaging application available for Android (also on the official website, as an APK file) and iOS, includes a function that allows you to share your location, with the possibility of activating a convenient real-time localization system.

To share the location with your contact, start WhatsApp and go to the chat relating to the person of your interest. Then press the icon of clip (or, if you have an iPhone, on the button +), select the option Location and, if necessary, press on the items Continue e Allow, to allow WhatsApp to access your location.

On the screen Send location, fai tap sull'opzione Actual position/Submit your current location, to share the exact place where you are. If, on the other hand, you want to allow the contact in question to view your movements in real time, select the option Position in real time and indicate how long to share your location, choosing one of the options available from 15 minutes, 1 hours e 8 hours.

If you wish, enter any message in the field add comment/Add caption e premi sull'icona dell 'paper airplane, to start sharing your location. If you change your mind, you can stop sharing your location at any time by pressing on the items Stop sharing e Stop.

Finally, I would like to underline that the only option to request to view the position of a contact is to request it explicitly via message. In this regard, my guide on how to send messages on WhatsApp may be useful.

Facebook (Android/iOS/iPadOS)

App to know where a person is

Perhaps not everyone knows this but, among the many features of Facebook, there is also one to know where a person is. With Friends nearbyin fact, you can share your location and know where your friends are. It can only be used through the app for Android devices (also available on alternative stores, for devices without Google services) and iOS / iPadOS and is only available for people who are at least 13 years old.

To start using Friends nearby, you need to let Facebook know your location - if you have a device Android, click on the option Settings, tap on the item App and select options Permissions e Location. Then move the lever relative to Facebook da OFF a ON And that's it.

If you have one iPhone / iPadinstead, tap on the icon gear wheel per accesre alle Settings iOS / iPadOS, tap on the item Privacy e fai tap sull'opzione Location services. In the new screen that appears, tap on the item Facebook e seleziona l'opzione Everlasting.

Now, you can know the location of a person via the Nearby friends function, as long as the latter has also activated the location. Then start the Facebook app, tap the ☰ button, press the option Friends nearby e fai tap sul pulsating Start, to start using the service in question.

In the new screen that appears, you can find the list of contacts who are in neighborhood, en route or found in one specific city. In addition, you can view the distance that separates you from your friends and, for contacts in your vicinity, you can send a greeting and let them know that you are close by pressing on the option Say hello. To find out more, I leave you to my guide on how to know where a person is via Facebook.

Where is it (iOS / iPadOS)

App to know where a person is

If you are looking for aiPhone app to know where a person is and the latter, in turn, has an "iPhone by", you can use Where is it, the Apple application that allows you not only to locate your own devices but also those of friends and relatives.

The first time you start Where's, click on the button Continue e fai tap sull'opzione Allow, to allow the app in question to access your location. Once this is done, click on the item People located in the bottom menu, select the option Start sharing your location and, in the new screen that appears, choose i contacts to whom you can make your position known.

Now, tap the button Send, at the top right and choose how long to share your location by selecting one of the options available between Share for an hour, Share until the end of the day e Share forever.

By accessing the section again People and tapping on the contact name that you have previously selected, you can in turn request the sharing of its position by pressing on the options Ask to follow the location e OK. If, on the other hand, you wish to no longer be located by the person in question, tap on the item Stop sharing your location.

To view the location of a specific person, go to the section People do tap sul contact name of your interest, to find out where it is currently, follow its movements in real time and get directions to reach it.

Other apps to know where a person is

App to know where a person is

If in addition to the applications that I have indicated in the previous paragraphs of this guide, you would like to know other solutions to locate a contact, here is a list of other apps to find out where a person is that you can take into consideration.

  • Telegram (Android / iOS / iPadOS): the famous messaging application also includes a convenient location system that allows you to share your location (even in real time) with friends and relatives. To find out more, I leave you to my guide on how Telegram works.
  • Life 360 (Android/iOS): through the GPS location technology, it allows to know the position of a person or a group of people, but also to know when they arrive at their destination and to chat with them. In addition, it allows you to trace a phone in case of loss or theft. It's free with paid features.
  • Family Locator (Android / iOS): allows you to know the location of relatives and friends, to track their movement in real time, set up unsafe areas and receive notifications if a family member crosses the “border”. It is free but activating a Premium subscription allows you to take advantage of additional features and remove the limits imposed by the free version.
  • Qustodio (Android / iOS / iPadOS): it is among the best applications for parental control and allows you to keep track of the activities carried out by a person via his smartphone. You can monitor or block the use of apps, filter content, check SMS and calls made, but also view the geographical position and know the exact point where the person is. In the free version it allows you to monitor only one person, while by activating the Premium subscription it is possible to monitor more devices and have access to a greater number of information and features.
App to know where a person is

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