How Norton 360 Deluxe works

Norton 360 Deluxe features and pricing

How Norton 360 Deluxe works

Before we get to the heart of this tutorial and explain yourself in detail how Norton 360 Deluxe works, let me tell you more about this solution and its main features.

Well, Norton 360 Deluxe integrates the real-time device protection against viruses, malware, phishing and security holes in websites; a VPN to protect your online privacy; a system of Dark Web monitoring providing alerts if personal information, usernames and email addresses are found on the dark web; 50 GB of cloud space for backups (ideal for always having safe important files without taking up space on the PC disk), a firewall to block unauthorized traffic, a password manager to keep access data and credit card data securely and, finally, the function of protection of minors to manage your children's online activities on PCs, smartphones and tablets.

Norton 360 Deluxe protects up to 5 PCs, Macs and mobile devices with Android or iOS / iPadOS. This means that it provides complete protection for all devices and not just for the computer (although some features are not available on all platforms).

The price of the product is 94,99 euro / year, and you can buy it at this link, without any obligation to renew. To find out more about how it works, read the next chapters of the guide.

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How to use Norton 360 Deluxe

Now let's move on to the practical side of the matter and see, therefore, how to use Norton 360 Deluxe. Below you will find explained how to download the program and how to take the first steps with it. I assure you that it is really very simple.

Download and installation

How Norton 360 Deluxe works

First of all, the Norton 360 Deluxe purchase procedure is very simple: just connect to the official website, click on the button to subscribe and fill in the form that appears with your own email address: if you already have an account, you are asked to log in by entering your password; if you don't already have one, you can create it right now.

Afterwards, just follow the quick on-screen instructions to complete the payment, which can be done by card or PayPal. Once this is done, to download Norton 360 Deluxe just connect to the Norton site, perform theaccesso to your account and press the buttons Download (o Install now) is Accept and download.

If, on the other hand, you want try Norton 360 Deluxe free for 14 days, linked to the Norton trial download page and click on the button free trial related to Norton 360 Deluxe.

When the download is complete, to install Norton 360, just open the .exe file downloaded and wait for the download of all the data necessary for the operation of the software to be completed. Then, to complete the setup, all you need to do is click on the buttons Yes e Install. In the last setup screen you will be asked if you want to join the program Norton Community Watch, for sending anonymous data aimed at improving the security level of the software: you can freely choose whether to participate or not.

Once the setup is complete, Norton 360 Deluxe will automatically start, update itself and start protecting your system from virus and threats such as i ransomware (those malware that encrypt the contents of the computer and ask for it to be unlocked for a fee), i trojan horse (malware that, often hidden in other software, is installed on the PC to allow remote access by malicious actors), the cryptojacking (malware that gives cybercriminals access to "mine" cryptocurrencies on the victim's computer) and formjacking (those malware that cybercriminals use to steal users' credit card data through special forms). To access all the features of your subscription, be sure to log in with your Norton account by pressing on the item Log in.

Please note: I used a PC with Windows 10, however the procedure to follow for Norton 360 Deluxe per Mac it is almost identical; just make sure you give the necessary permissions for the software to work in System preference, following the instructions on the screen.

System scan

How Norton 360 Deluxe works

As just mentioned, Norton 360 Deluxe protects your system in real time from viruses, malware and all other major computer threats, blocking them before they can do any damage. However, my advice is to run one full system scan every time you install a new antivirus.

To perform a quick scan system with Norton 360 Deluxe, just click on the appropriate item in the main program window. Alternatively, it is possible to do click destroy on 'program icon present in the notification area (next to the system clock) and select the item Run Quick Scan give the menu answer.

If the quick scan is not sufficient, Norton 360 Deluxe also allows you to perform many other types of checks: by clicking on arrow placed in correspondence with the button apri in the main program window, you can go to the menu Scan options and choose to do one full system scan (to check the whole system and not just its most important areas, as is the case in the quick scan) or one custom scan (i.e. a scan of areas chosen by you). When you have chosen the function you prefer, click on the button vai (bottom right) to kick off the check.

Please note that from the same screen you can also access the functions Norton Power Eraser (to eliminate threats that are difficult to detect), Norton Insight (to determine which files to scan) e Diagnostic report (to view key information about the device).

If, on the other hand, you want to customize the real-time protection settings in an advanced way - for example by activating or deactivating modules or adding exceptions - proceed as follows: from the Norton 360 Deluxe main screen, click on the arrow next to the button apri and select the item Performances from the menu that is proposed to you. The window with the overview and tools for optimizing system performance will open.

How Norton 360 Deluxe works

At this point, clicca sulla voce Settings present at the top right, go up Antivirus and you will have access to all the settings related to scanning and checking the system in real time. From the same menu you can also adjust the settings related to firewall and other Norton 360 Deluxe features.

I recommend: only use the advanced settings if you know what you are doing, otherwise you risk lowering the degree of protection provided by the program!

System optimization

How Norton 360 Deluxe works

Norton 360 Deluxe offers not only protection, but also tools to optimize the system. To access it, click on arrow placed in correspondence with the button apri, in the main program window, and select the item Performances give the menu that you come purpose.

This will open a window with an overview of the system status and all the useful tools to improve its performance: Optimize disk to defragment or optimize the disk by making access to files and programs faster, File Cleanup to delete unnecessary files and free up disk space, Startup management to view and possibly disable the programs that start automatically with Windows and, finally, Graphs to view PC performance graphs.

By clicking on the button instead Edit Norton 360 Deluxe shows when system performance issues are detected, you can automatically apply all necessary optimizations.

Secure VPN

How Norton 360 Deluxe works

Nowadays it is very important to have one in your digital “toolbox” VPN. If you have never heard of it before, a VPN (acronym for Virtual Private Network) is a "tunnel" in which the connection is routed and which acts as an intermediary between our devices and the resources we want to reach online. .

Can be used for encrypt the connection data and hide them from any malicious people who want to "sniff" the Wi-Fi networks to which we connect (very useful especially when using public Wi-Fi networks, alas very subject to monitoring activities by the bad guys), but also to Internet providers and other third parties. It also allows you to disguise your locality and thus to overcome various types of regional censorship and restrictions, with the possibility of accessing foreign contents of streaming services (where permitted by the latter).

The VPN service included in Norton 360 Deluxe is called Secure VPN and it is very easy to use: to activate it and automatically connect to the fastest server just click on the button Attiva placed in correspondence with the item Secure VPN in the main program window. Alternatively, by clicking on the arrow adjacent to the button in question you can manually choose the regione VPN to connect to (there are many countries to choose from), while selecting the item Settings you can adjust advanced VPN settings, such as automatic connection and split tunneling.

Again, if you don't know where to put your hands, I advise you not to venture into configurations that could compromise your user experience.

Backup to the cloud

How Norton 360 Deluxe works

If this is not the first time you read my site, you know how much I want to reiterate the importance of backup: making a regular backup copy of your data is essential to avoid finding yourself in unpleasant situations and losing important files. Well, even in this Norton 360 Deluxe comes to the aid, offering its users a service of cloud backup with well- 50GB of storage space available.

To set up the backup of your data on the Norton cloud, all you have to do is click on the relevant button Tax present in the main program window and create your own rule sets by deciding What to save, Swallow e When. It is all extremely intuitive. To save the settings, just click on the button Save settings. By pressing, instead, on Back up it is possible to command the immediate execution of the backup.

Password Manager

How Norton 360 Deluxe works

Another good habit that I always recommend is that relating to the use of a password manager in which to keep access data to Internet sites, social networks, applications, credit card data and other important information.

Password managers, however, precisely in light of the importance of the data they hold, must be designed by companies with proven reliability. It is therefore with pleasure that I inform you that Norton 360 Deluxe also includes a tool of this type, very easy to use and able to integrate perfectly with all the most popular browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Edge and others), as well as to work on Android and iOS / iPadOS devices through a dedicated application.

In addition to storing login and credit card data, Norton Password Manager allows automatic form filling and securely synchronizes data between multiple devices over the Internet.

To activate Norton 360 Deluxe password manager, just click on the appropriate button Tax present in the main window of the program and then install the appropriate extension in the browser of your choice.

Next, you need to authenticate with yours account Norton or you have to scan with your smartphone the QR code displayed on the screen, and then proceed to create your own Vault, i.e. the password-protected digital safe where you will keep your data.

Protection of minors

How Norton 360 Deluxe works

The use of devices such as computers, smartphones and tablets should not be precluded for young people. Indeed, a conscious and profitable use of these means should be facilitated and, in light of this, in some circumstances it may be useful to monitor / limit the activities carried out by minors.

Here comes the game Norton 360 Deluxe parental control, which allows you to limit access to certain online content by children. The function is available both on PC and on smartphones and tablets and is very simple to configure and manage.

To start, click on the button Manage on the Protection of minors in the Norton 360 Deluxe main window and, if necessary, log in to yours account Norton on the web page that opens. Then press the button I accept and continue and follow the wizard to create the profiles of the minors whose activities you intend to limit / monitor.

In addition to setting your name and photo, you can set a different level of for each profile restriction (from bass a very high). With that done, go ahead and choose which device to apply the restriction between Android phone or tablet, iPhone and iPad o Windows. You will then be given instructions to download the application Norton family and configure it.

How Norton 360 Deluxe works

Su Windows, for example, just start theexecutable obtained and click on the buttons Yes e I accept and continue; then follow the on-screen instructions to register and associate the device with your Norton account and select the user account that the child uses on the system.

Once this is done, by downloading the Norton Family extension for the browser it becomes possible to monitor and limit the activities carried out online by the child.

How Norton 360 Deluxe works

From this moment on, to monitor and regulate the various activities carried out by the child on the devices controlled with Norton Family, just access the dedicated management panel, which can be found by clicking on the button Manage related to Family Filter on the Norton 360 Deluxe home screen.

App Norton 360 per smartphone e tablet

How Norton 360 Deluxe works

Use Norton 360 your smartphone and tablet it's as easy as it is on a computer. Just install theNorton 360 application available on the stores of Android e iPhone / iPad and, in a few taps, you get complete protection of your device.

Thanks to the application in question, you can protect your device in real time from malware designed for Android (on iOS / iPadOS this function is not present as the malware risk on Apple's mobile operating systems is almost non-existent, unless you jailbreak), check the degree of privacy of the applications installed on Android (also this function, for the same reason as before, is not present on iOS / iPadOS), check the security of the reti Wi-Fi you use, check the reliability of the Web sites, detect privacy / security issues in device settings (e.g. failure to update the operating system) and more.

Once logged into your account Norton, the app automatically scans your device and notifies you of any security issues that need to be corrected. Pressing, therefore, on the tab relating to Safety you can access the various options related to App security, Internet security, Secure browsing, Wi-Fi security e Device safety.

It should be emphasized that to activate some functions, such as that relating to app protection on Android or Internet protection on iOS / iPadOS, you will need to grant the app some advanced permissions by following the quick on-screen directions.

By pressing the ☰ button, located at the top left, you can access the Norton 360 menu, where there are the settings and quick links to other Norton apps.

In addition to Norton 360, in fact, there are also other very valid apps related to Norton 360 Deluxe on the Google and Apple stores, for example Norton Secure VPN, to take advantage of Norton's secure VPN also from Android and iOS / iPadOS, and Norton Password Manager, to use Norton password manager also on Android and iOS / iPadOS.

Then there is the app Norton Family Parental Control to apply Norton 360 Deluxe Parental Controls on Android and iOS / iPadOS. For more details on Norton 360 Deluxe features, I invite you to visit the official site.

Article produced in collaboration with NortonLifeLock.

How Norton 360 Deluxe works

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