How MAD works

Preliminary information

How MAD works

As already mentioned above, for MAD means the candidacy (to cover various roles in the educational institutions of the national territory) that can be proposed spontaneously to the secretariats of the institutions themselves. The aforementioned roles will necessarily last limited; this implies, therefore, that if you are proposing yourself for the role of teacher, you will be called exclusively to carry out substitute teaching.

This is because school administrators are still required to consider candidates from the provincial rankings for substitutes as a priority (GPS) and le school rankings. Candidates through MAD, therefore, will be asked to fill only the roles that have remained "uncovered" at the end of the consultations of the aforementioned rankings.

It should be noted, however, that obtaining assignments through MAD guarantees the candidate obtaining some points relevant for the purposes of the rankings themselves. To give you an example, if you have completed a minimum of 166 days of replacement through the request for availability, you will get 12 points (the latter is the maximum score that can be obtained through MAD). I remind you, however, that the points obtained in this way are not only cumulative and are valid only for the current year.

Are you wondering what are the roles that can be filled with the request for availability? I'll answer you immediately: with the MAD it is possible to obtain assignments as teaching, support teacher, teacher for summer recovery (second grade secondary schools) e personal ATA (administrative, technical and auxiliary staff for teaching support; I will tell you in depth about the MAD relating to this latter category later on).

The only prerequisite for submitting the application is the diploma of second grade education. In the case of the staff ATA, in any case, the diploma (or the three-year qualification) must be in line with the position for which it is proposed (e.g. to apply for the role of technical assistant it is necessary to have obtained a diploma that guarantees access to one or more laboratory areas; I will return to this point in the next chapter of the guide).

Clearly, the titles of degree (three-year, master's and old system), Masters, IT certifications and advanced courses, as well as 24 credits (University Training Credits) for teaching, even if not mandatory, help to ensure greater prominence to the application and are, therefore, preferable.

Also, the titles AFAM (high artistic and musical education) are legally equivalent to university degrees. I must point out, however, that to send the MAD, as a rule, it is necessary not to be already registered at GPS above or in the rankings for the institution for which you intend to apply. However, with the note of November 4 2020 the Miur has established that this is limited to the school year 2020/2021 it is possible to send the MAD even if you are already enrolled in the rankings.

You are interested in knowing how MAD works in schools in case, therefore, you want to propose yourself as a teacher? I'll settle you immediately. You must know, first of all, that the courses for which it is possible to apply are divided into competition classes.

Basically, these are categories established by Ministerial Decree n.259 of 9 May 2017 signed by MIUR (Ministry of Education, University and Research). Each of the classes in question is designated by an identification code. This code is necessary to establish whether your qualification is "compatible" or not with the course you are applying for.

To check the codes and qualifications that allow access to the various courses of the competition classes, all you have to do is open this page of the Miur website (with any browser) and click on the icon ZIP placed next to the item In this way you will be able to download the compressed files of the tables related to the classes in question.

You must also know that the MAD can be forwarded to all the educational institutions in which you are interested. You can, therefore, propose the MAD in all the in your languagen provinces. However, if you are interested in being a teacher of support and you are in possession of the authorization to carry out this assignment, you will necessarily have to propose your candidacy in one province and you will not have to be enrolled in other rankings.

To send the MAD you can use the following sending methods: fax, registered letter with return receipt, short manu (i.e. you can go in person to the school and deliver the application to the secretariat) and PEC (certified e-mail). My suggestion is to use the latter tool or send the MAD by registered mail, since these methods of sending have legal value.

How to get the addresses of the various schools to send your application? It's very simple: just search the Scuola in Chiaro portal (type in the name of the cityand province or of regione in the one compilation field of the home page of the site in question and press the button Submit; in this way you will be listed the various schools and their addresses).

Furthermore, I would like to point out that the application must be forwarded to the secretariat of the institution where the headmaster resides and not to the branches of the institution itself. You can send the MAD during the entire school year; I advise you, however, to prefer the initial period of the latter, the Christmas holidays and the beginning of summer remedial courses. In fact, in these time windows, the demand for personnel is particularly high.

In the next chapter I will provide you with more specific information regarding the compilation of the MAD. I would like to point out from now on, however, that there is no reference model provided by Miur but, currently, to "lighten" the workload of the secretariats that regularly examine applications, several institutes are giving priority to applications sent through the Web portals which provide candidates with pre-filled forms.

In the last chapter of this guide I'm going to talk to you specifically about the service Argo MAD. Also make sure, in any case, to Google the name of the school where you want to propose the MAD to check if a pre-filled model has already been prepared by the institution itself (the latter practice is becoming more and more widespread. ).

I also premise that a copy of your own must also be presented as an attachment to the MAD identity document and it is also preferable to include a copy of the curriculum vitae in European format, The certificates their qualifications and their own study plan (if in your university career you have had the opportunity to realize it). As for the drafting of your curriculum, I recommend that you give particular emphasis to every single teaching experience or other role that you have already played in the educational institutions.

How MAD ATA works

How MAD works

In the following lines I will explain to you in detail how MAD works for the staff ATA. As with the rest of the MADs, the prerequisite for submitting your candidacy for this type of role is the diploma. However, in this case, it is possible to propose the MAD for ATA even if you have a three-year qualification (this is the qualification issued by state vocational institutes or vocational training centers at the end of a 3-year training course).

For each of the roles included in the ATA category it is necessary to have a specific educational or professional qualification. Below you will list the roles and the relative access titles.

  • School assistant - you must have obtained a diploma or be in possession of any three-year qualification.
  • Administrative assistant - you must have a high school diploma.
  • Technical assistant - you must have obtained a diploma that gives access to one or more laboratory areas.
  • Cook - the qualification of catering operator is required.
  • Nurse - you must have obtained a degree in Nursing or a qualification suitable for this type of job.
  • Cloakroom - the qualification of fashion operator is required.

As I mentioned earlier, there is no officially established model for the compilation of the MAD ATA and, therefore, this being the case, the latter can be drawn up following the same general (non-binding) guidelines to which you can stick to write any other type of MAD as well. The question must be written in such a way formal and, in principle, in the header you will need to specify the name of the school or institution you are applying to. You will then have to enter theobject of the application (eg Application for making available for substitutes in the AY).

Afterward, write yours personal data and personal data (name, surname, residential address and so on), specifies that he is aware of the sanctions provided for in the event of false declarations, that he is in possession of civil rights and that he has not received criminal convictions (if this were not the case, specific convictions you reported). You will then need to clearly indicate yours qualifications and / or professional, your qualifications and certificates, your eventual professional experiences relevant previously performed and the name of the role for which you are proposing (the ones I listed above).

Conclude by specifying the attachments upon request, authorization to process personal data pursuant to Legislative Decree no. lgs. n. 196 of 30/06/2003 and insert yours personal contact details with date and signature. In the course of another tutorial I showed you in detail how to fill in the MAD: I recommend that you take a look at it for all the specific formulas you can use for drafting the aforementioned question.

How Argo MAD works

How MAD works

How do you say? You would like me to explain how the service for compiling the MAD of the portal Argon have you heard of lately? Very gladly! I'll settle you immediately. You need to know that, as I mentioned earlier, several educational institutions are starting to prioritize MAD sent via online compilation services like the one I'm about to tell you about.

The company's website Argo Software provides visitors with a function that allows them to fill in the request for availability with a pre-filled form in which they can enter their data and other data necessary for the application in question.

Basically, the service I'm talking about allows you to create your MAD directly online. Furthermore, the application you will create in this way can be automatically sent to all the institutes on the national territory that use the document management system. Argo Gecodoc currently adopted by more than 3000 in your languagen schools. before proceeding to show you how to use the aforementioned service, I make some necessary premises.

Using Argo MAD you have the possibility to send the same application to several institutes at the same time. However, the cost of this feature is 5 € (payable exclusively via PayPal). Otherwise, the single submission of applications is free, you will still have to make sure before the institutions you intend to send the application to accept the MAD at the time you intend to send (use the site I recommended in this chapter to check the schools' websites and inquire about the deadlines for sending the MAD).

Before we start, I would like to point out that for the compilation you will also need a identity document, a copy of yours curriculum and that of the MAD, all in PDF format. To start filling out your application, connect to the Argo portal with any browser and click on the button Fill in your request.

Check the box, at the top, to accept the terms of the service and proceed by selecting the role for which you are proposing: Teaching staff o Personal ATAby pressing on the appropriate buttons. Then select the order of the school (Elementary, Secondary grade I, Upper II degree and so on). Next, tap on compilation field located at the bottom to search for the competition category of the course for which you intend to propose.

Once these steps have been completed, go to the next tab by clicking on the item NEXT, in the lower right corner. At this point, click on the button on the left (the one with the wording Choose the transmission mode) to select the application submission method (multiple o single), press click on field on the right and select the regione in which you intend to teach (by clicking on each of the regions in the list you will be shown the institutions to which you can send the application; then click on the name of the institutions you want to send the application to, to select them).

Click the button again NEXT located in the lower right corner, then fill in the form with your personal data by entering the latter in the appropriate fields (Your name, Last name, Tax Code and so on). Then press on the buttons Identity card, Curriculum Vitae e Application for making available, to insert the aforementioned documents in PDF.

Once this is done, hit the button NEXT located at the bottom right. In the new tab, then enter the data relating to yours qualifications in the appropriate fields and click on switches next to the items Enabled to support (if you are) e Qualified to teach in the selected competition classes (for the score of your qualification also express the maximum achievable eg 100/110). Once this is done, click the button again NEXT. Infine, click the button Broadcast, top right, and that's it! You have just sent your MAD application to the institution you have selected, congratulations!

How MAD works

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