How do I know my Wind rate plan

How do I know my Wind rate plan

You stai chiedendo "How do I know my Wind rate plan?" and would you like to know how to proceed? Then know that below you will find all the information you need. As anticipated at the beginning of the article, this is feasible by sending an SMS to 4155, through theMyWind app, by accessing theonline area dedicated to customers on the website of the operator or, again, by looking at the retail packaging of the card or on contract. For more details, read on.

By texting 4155

How do I know my Wind rate plan

The first and most practical system that you can use to find out the tariff plan active on your Wind SIM is to send a SMS the appropriate numbering made available by the operator.

To be precise, what you have to do is take your smartphone, unlock it, access the screen where the icons of all the apps are grouped and press on the one for the message management (generally it is the one with the icon with a comic).

Then, start composing a new message to be addressed to the number 4155 and in the body of the message type the text Info. Then send the SMS by pressing on the item Send (or in any case on the appropriate wording visible on the screen) and that's it.

Once this is done, within a few moments you will receive a reply SMS from Wind containing information relating to the tariff plan active on your card, as well as the date of the last top-up and the expiry date of the SIM. It was easy, wasn't it?

Using the MyWind App

How do I know my Wind rate plan

Another system you have on your side to discover the tariff plan active on your Wind SIM consists in the use ofMyWind app, the one officially made available by the famous manager for both Android that for iOS to monitor credit, meters, etc.

To use it, if you have not already done so, first download and install the application on your device, using the links to Play Store (on Android) orApp Store (on iOS) that I gave you just now. When the download is complete, start the app by pressing on its icon (the one with the Wind logo) that has been added to the screen where all the applications installed on the device are grouped.

Now that you are viewing the MyWind main screen, if you are connected with your smartphone to the cellular data network of the operator, you will not have to carry out any registration and / or login procedures and you will be shown the information relating to your line directly. If, on the other hand, you are connected via Wi-Fi, you will first have to log in to the service, filling in the relevant fields on the screen, or, if you do not yet have an account, you will have to register by pressing the appropriate button and following the simple guided procedure proposed.

Subsequently, regardless of the login mode, presses the button with the three lines horizontally collocato in alto a destra, selects the voice Info Line from the menu that opens and you will finally be able to know your Wind tariff plan. You will find the latter indicated at the top of the new screen displayed, above your numbering, the activation date of the SIM and the expiry date. To know all the details related to it, press on its name (eg. Wind Basic) and you will immediately be shown a new screen with the relevant information.

If, on the other hand, you want to know the other options and promotions active on your line, just consult the section Active options and promotion visible in the screen that is shown to you after going to the section Info Line of the app. To receive more details about a given option or offer, tap on its name in the list.

By accessing the online customer area

How do I know my Wind rate plan

If you do not have a smartphone at hand, you can also find out your Wind tariff plan by accessing theonline customer area of the manager from the PC, which, similar to the app, allows you to check the residual credit, active promotions on the line and so on.

To access it, connected to the Wind website, click on the button Log in located at the top right and fill in the fields attached to the menu that opened sideways with your login data, then click on the button Log in. If you don't have a Wind account yet, press the button Subscribe, type il your Wind number in the dedicated field, click on the button NEXT and follow the simple procedure that is proposed to you.

Once logged in, click the button Customer area always present in the side menu. Subsequently, you will find yourself in front of a page with the basic information relating to your SIM: the activation date, credit, etc. The tariff plan is indicated above, under the heading Tariff plan, precisely. The other possible options and promotions, on the other hand, can be found a little further down (by pressing on their names, you can access the page where all the details of the case are shown).

If you need to view even more detailed information, such as the activation date of the plan, click on the item Your offer located in the menu on the left, select the wording Active Offer (still in the menu on the left), locate the section Tariff plan (on the right) and, in correspondence with the latter, you will find the name of your tariff plan (eg. Wind Basic), the status, the activation date and any other details. By clicking on the name of the plan, you can also view the costs and features of the plan.

I would like to point out, then, that by scrolling the page you will also find the section options in which, in fact, the active options on the line, their status, the activation date, the deactivation date and further details are listed. By clicking on the name, however, you can know the costs and characteristics of the selected option.

Looking at the SIM sales package and contract

How do I know my Wind rate plan

The tariff plan of the SIM Wind is also shown on the sales package of the card itself and on the contract signed at the time of activation.

In both cases, however, it is good to keep this in mind, the plan indicated is the one that was enabled at the time of activation of the SIM. Consequently, if modified at a later time, obviously, what is written on the sales package of the card and on the contract will no longer correspond to the plan actually active (in this case, the methods valid for checking the plan are those that I have reported in the previous lines).

Having made the necessary clarifications above, let's move from theory to practice. As I told you, the tariff plan of the card is usually shown on the sales package of the latter, to be precise on the cardboard which contains the plastic card from which the SIM is then removed: you can find it indicated on thestickers stuck on the back of the package, the same on which the telephone number, at the selling price.

On the contract, on the other hand, the tariff plan is indicated on the sheet containing the section relating to Wind telephony service data, in correspondence with the wording Tariff plan.

In case of dubbi or problem

How do I know my Wind rate plan

Have you followed the instructions contained in this guide in detail but have not yet managed to find out your tariff plan? Do you have any other doubts or problems regarding your Wind line and do you think you need support to deal with it? Then I can not help but suggest you contact the customer care of the manager.

To do this, just make a free call to 155 (the Wind customer service number, in fact) using the reference SIM. When the call has started, listen to the instructions of the recorded voice, then press the key necessary for receive support (should be the 2), wait in line, press the button for receive assistance from a consultant (should be the 3), wait a few more seconds for an operator "in flesh and blood" to answer you and expose your doubts or difficulties to the latter.

Keep in mind that the combinations of assistance services are constantly subject to change, so, my instructions aside, try to follow the instructions of the recorded voice very carefully, in order to avoid form errors and unnecessary waste of time.

If you think you need further information on what to do, I invite you to refer to my tutorial dedicated specifically to how to talk to a Wind operator, through which, in fact, I proceeded to talk to you about the thing in great detail and describe you what other secondary systems do you have from your to contact the customer support of the famous telephone operator.

How do I know my Wind rate plan

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