Money by BPER Banca: what it is and how it works

Requirements to use BPER Banca's Money

As already mentioned at the opening of the post, to take advantage of the Money service and the Smart Mobile My Money app of BPER Banca, it is necessary to request a BPER Banca Account Card and / or use the services of Internet banking of the group by opening a bank account.

The BPER Banca Account Card is a prepaid card from the MasterCard circuit with an IBAN. Allows you to make purchases online and in physical stores; supports contactless (up to 25 euros without PIN or signature), the MasterCard Secure Code to make online purchases in absolute safety; allows the sending and receiving of wire transfers, withdrawals from the ATMs of the BPER Group banks and from other banks and allows the crediting of salary and pension. It also allows you to make Amazon top-ups and take advantage of special promotions on this famous online store.

Applying for a BPER Banca Account Card is really simple: you can do everything online in 5 minutes. To begin with, connect to this web page from a PC, smartphone or tablet and fill out the form that is proposed to you by entering, in the appropriate fields, name e last name. Then put the check mark on the box I have read the privacy policyclick on your bottone I have read and check the box as well I'm not a robot. If necessary, select the images that are requested of you (in order to confirm that you are not a robot) and click on the button Continue, to move forward.

Money by BPER Banca: what it is and how it works

Now, type yours fiscal Code in the appropriate text field, click on Continue, immetti il ​​tuo email address in the new form that is proposed to you and go ahead, clicking again on Continue.

A verification code by email: type it in the appropriate text field and press the button Continue. Then repeat the same operation with yours cellphone number: enter it, then, in the appropriate form, press the button Continue, type il code of confirmation that will be delivered to you via SMS and press the button Continue twice consecutively to go to the next step.

Money by BPER Banca: what it is and how it works

The next step is to choose the type of offer to activate. You have two options at your disposal.

  • Easy offer - it is free for the first 6 months, after which it has a fee of 1 euro / month (if you are over 30 years old, otherwise it remains free). It offers free withdrawals from BPER group banks, 24 free withdrawals per year from other banks in the Euro area (which afterwards cost 2 euros each) and free SEPA online transfers.
  • Zero fee offer - has no monthly fees. It offers free withdrawals from BPER group banks, 2 euro withdrawals from other banks in the Euro area and SEPA online transfers for 50 cents each.

Once you have made your choice (by clicking on the button Choose "Easy Offer" or Choose "Zero fee offer"), you have to select the card graphics you intend to request. The various paper models, graphics aside, have the same characteristics and offer the same possibilities.

Money by BPER Banca: what it is and how it works

At this point, make sure you have a valid identity document (identity card, driving license or passport) and the tax code card at your fingertips and press the button Continue.

It indicates, therefore, if you are an in your languagen citizenis you have a citizenship in another state as well, award-winning Continue and select the document to use to verify your identity: identity card, passport o driver's license.

Once you have made your choice, fill in the form that is shown to you with all the data relating to the selected document. In the case of the identity card, for example, you have to enter number of the document, release date, Expiration date e Issuing state, after which you must indicate theentity that issued the card and place of issue of the same.

Once you have filled out the form, go ahead (always pressing the button Continue) and upload two photos of the document: one relating to its front and one relating to its back. To upload, click in the boxes Load the front e Load the back and select the images to upload, then press the button once again Continue.

Money by BPER Banca: what it is and how it works

Now, repeat the same operation for the tax code card, uploading a photo of the front and a photo of the back of the document, and then clicking on the button Continue and indicate if you are a resident of the city or less.

Once this is done, specify yours residence address in the form that is proposed to you, indicate if you want to receive correspondence with the latter or to another address I awarded her Continue twice in succession to confirm the information entered.

Money by BPER Banca: what it is and how it works

Now choose yours BPER Bank branch of reference among those that are shown on the screen (ie those closest to you), press on Continue and answer the questions you are asked.

Specify, therefore, if you have a tax residence abroad; indicates how you will mainly use the Account Card (se per saving, investment o various services); report theorigin of the money you will pay into the Account Card (Eg. income from work / activity o board) and select what job do you do through the appropriate drop-down menus.

Money by BPER Banca: what it is and how it works

After indicating your profession, click on the button Continue, specifies what kind of employment contract do you have (Eg. Temporary, indefinitely o seasonal), communicates you will be the main user of your Account Cardis you are a politically exposed person and / or one United States Person (so if you have an American residence or a green card).

At this point, read all the privacy policies and accept them by clicking on the button Yes, and go ahead by clicking on Continue twice in a row. Once this is done, you need to take mink of the pre-contracts of the Account Card, placing the check mark next to the items I have read the pre-contractual documentation e I declare that I have received a copy of the information on depositors, and you must accept the latter by clicking on the button Continue.

Money by BPER Banca: what it is and how it works

Now you must consent to the processing of data by the technological partners of BPER Banca: then check all the boxes proposed and click on the button Continue. Then take a look at the contractual documents relating to the Account Card, by checking the relevant boxes and, when the operation is completed, accept them by pressing the buttons I have read e View contractual documents.

After this step too, click on the button Continue, take a look at the document that is shown on the screen and press on Finish, to close it. When the operation is complete, type the verification code you received via SMS in the appropriate text field and press the button Sign and continue, in order to sign and accept the document just read.

Money by BPER Banca: what it is and how it works

You're almost there! Now you have to choose how to verify your identity to actually get your Account Card: you can make one video call with a BPER Banca employee (to whom you will need to communicate a security code that will be sent to you via email) or you can make a transfer from your bank account (in order to allow BPER Banca to obtain your data from the header of the same).

If you want to opt for video calling (which is the quickest solution), you can choose to use the BPER Banca Smart ID smartphone app (available for Android and iOS) or use your computer's webcamby checking one of the two available boxes. In the case of a bank transfer, however, to proceed, you must tick the box I want to make a transfer and then click on the button Continue.

Once your identity has been verified via app, webcam or bank transfer, you will get your BPER Banca Account Card. It wasn't difficult, was it?

Please note: if, for one reason or another, you have to interrupt the application process for the BPER Banca Account Card, don't worry: you will be sent a link via email to resume the procedure from the point at which you interrupted it. Once the card has been requested, however, you can follow the status of the case by connecting to this Web page and entering the case number and tax code in the appropriate text fields.

Money by BPER Banca: what it is and how it works

If, for the moment, you are not interested in the Account Card and prefer to open a real current account, take a look at the accounts available on the BPER Banca website.

How to use Money from BPER Banca

Money by BPER Banca: what it is and how it works

Once you have activated your Account Card or have opened your BPER Banca current account, you can access the service Money from PC or Mac by connecting to this web page and clicking on the button Log in, located at the top right.

Next, click the button Log in related to the service Smart Web, type il tuo user code and yours Password on the page that is proposed to you and click on the button Log in to Smart Web, in order to access BPER Banca's Internet banking.

If you no longer remember your user code or password and you do not have the BPER Banca documentation at hand, click on the item Retrieve the User Code or on the item Recover Password (both located at the bottom) and follow the instructions on the screen.

Service overview

Money by BPER Banca: what it is and how it works

Once you have logged into BPER Banca's internet banking, you will find yourself in front of a page with a general overview of accounts and cards, mortgages and loans e investments, organized in convenient tabs.

At the top, however, you will find a quick menu to access all sections of the service: Accounts and Cards to manage accounts and cards; Money to access the Personal Financial Management of BPER Banca; Receipts and payments to make wire transfers, payments via F24 and many other operations; Investments and Trading to manage investments and carry out trading activities; Mortgages and Loans to manage mortgages and loans e Smart Per me to top up your Amazon account and discover the exclusive promotions reserved for you.

To access Money of BPER Banca, then brings the mouse cursor over the tab Money collocata in alto a sinistra and selects the voice View from the menu that opens. This will display a summary page including an overview of yours budget and on expense carried out, divided into cards and with the possibility of browsing through all the movements based on their respective categories or the months in which they were made.

Further down, you will find some movements automatically categorized by the system, which you can confirm by clicking on the button OK located next to them or change by selecting another category from the drop-down menu Category.

Movement management

To view in detail all the movements of your Account Card and / or your current account, click on the item See all the movements placed at the bottom of the page with the overview of Money or, alternatively, move the mouse cursor over the tab Money and select the item Movements give the menu check if you press.

At this point, scroll through the list of the latest transactions and confirm or modify those automatically categorized by Money: to confirm them, click on the button OK placed in their correspondence. To edit them and assign them another category, expand the drop-down menu instead Category and select from the latter the category that you consider most relevant. To quickly find the category of your interest, use the search bar at the top of the drop-down menu.

Money by BPER Banca: what it is and how it works

Other tools that allow you to organize your movements efficiently are i tag, that is the labels with which it is possible to group various types of expenses and income, and Comments, which can be added to each individual transaction. To add tags and / or comments to a movement, check the box mail in correspondence with it and type tag and / or comment in the box that appears on the right.

If you want, you can also select multiple movements and apply the same tags, comments (or even categories) to them, always using the box that appears on the right side of the screen.

Money by BPER Banca: what it is and how it works

Once all the movements have been correctly categorized, you can filter their display using the options located in the right sidebar: through the boxes located under the heading Filter by report, you can choose to view the movements related to yours paper, to your tale and/hi custom movements manually added to the balance sheet (I'll explain how to do it shortly); using the boxes under the heading Filter by movement status, you can choose whether to display only the movements marked (therefore with confirmed category) or only the movements with uncertain categorization (then automatically categorized by Money and awaiting confirmation), while through the boxes placed under the heading Filter by categories you can filter the movements according to their categories of belonging.

I also point out that by clicking on the item Advanced Search, you can search within your movements, filtering them by reference period, to their amount or to tag associated with them. By clicking on the button instead Esports in Excel (located at the bottom right), you can export the list of your movements in Excel format.

Money by BPER Banca: what it is and how it works

As mentioned above, you can also add custom transactions to your balance sheet "manually". To do this, click on the item New movement located at the top right and fill out the form that is proposed to you.

Specify, therefore, if you are adding a 'entry or a expenditure checking one of the two available boxes, type the Description movement in the appropriate text field, choose one category from the drop-down menu of the same name, indicates the date of the transaction, his amount and click on the button Ok to confirm.

Money by BPER Banca: what it is and how it works

If you need it, you can also create new categories, to which you can associate your movements. To do this, move the mouse cursor over the tab Money collocata in alto a sinistra and selects the voice Settings give the menu check if you press.

Next, go to the section Categories, select one of the macro categories listed in the left sidebar (eg. Income from work o Hotels and travel), click on your button Create new category (on the right) and create your custom category by typing its name in the box that appears on the screen.

Money by BPER Banca: what it is and how it works

Remaining in the Money settings, by selecting the tab Your rules, you can create rules to automatically change some parameters of your expenses or income.

For example, by clicking on the button Change the date of the movement you can set Money to automatically change the date of some transactions; by clicking on the button Categorize by amount you can have the system categorize a movement based on its amount; by clicking on the button Automatically split a movement you can automatically divide the movements that meet certain requirements, while clicking on the button Create a rule tailored for you you can create a completely custom rule.

Money by BPER Banca: what it is and how it works

Budget management

Another very useful function of BPER Banca Money is that relating to the management of your own budget, through which it is possible to monitor the trend of expenses and revenues and set spending (or income) limits for the following months, category by category.

To access Money's budget management feature, hover your mouse cursor over the tab Money and select the item Budget from the menu that opens. You will be shown a page divided into two sections: Current budget e Budget futuri.

In the Current budget you can find a table that contains all current expenses and income, broken down by category. Going into more detail, the column Actual shows the income and expenses made in the current or previous month, with both the total amount for macro-category and for individual categories. The column Budgetinstead, it shows the budgets of this month or the previous ones, sorted by macro category. The budget is calculated automatically based on the expenses made in the last 12 months.

Money by BPER Banca: what it is and how it works

If you want, you can change your budgets by clicking on the individual amounts in the column Budget of the table. After clicking on an amount, you will be asked to fill in a form in which to indicate amount, type of movement (entry o expenditure) and period of validity of the setting: from now on, only this month o automatic based on the performance of previous periods (eg. like last month, as the average of 3 months o as the average of 12 months).

Once you have set all your preferences, click on the button Modification (located at the bottom right) to make them effective.

Money by BPER Banca: what it is and how it works

In the Budget futuriInstead, you can find a table with the forecasts relating to income and expenses for the next few months and the movements actual of recent periods. The data is divided, also in this case, into categories: to view them all, put the check mark next to the item Show them all located at the top left, next to the item Categories.

Money by BPER Banca: what it is and how it works

To set a budget limit for an expense or income category, click on the relevant amount in the column Budget of the table and fill out the form that is proposed to you.

Then type theamount and the type of movement (entry o expenditure) for which to limit the budget and indicate the period of validity of the latter: from now on, only this month o automatic based on the performance of previous periods (eg. like last month, as the average of 3 months o as the average of 12 months). To save the settings, click on the button Modification.

Money by BPER Banca: what it is and how it works

By clicking, instead, on the sums displayed in the column Actual, you can view all the movements related to the latter.

If you need it, I point out that you can save all the data in the form of an Excel file by clicking on the button Export the data to Excel which is located at the bottom right.


Money by BPER Banca: what it is and how it works

Would you like to see detailed graphs with the trend of expenses, income and savings? Nothing could be easier: put the mouse cursor on the board Money (located at the top left) and select the item Report give the menu check if you press.

You will be redirected to a page with a list of very interesting charts related to expense, revenue, savings, income-expense difference, monthly summary e annual report. Each chart provides visualization bar e pie and allows you to analyze the information present in it in a very simple way.

By clicking, for example, on each category in a chart, it is possible to view the list of movements connected to it, while using the options located at the top left it is possible to filter the display of data based on various criteria (for example, by expenses you can view the data by category, per merchant o per day). Convenient, right?

How to use Smart Mobile My Money

Smart Mobile My Money is the official application of BPER Banca, thanks to which it is possible to access the Money service from smartphones and tablets. It is completely free and is compatible with both Android that with iOS: let's see together how to use it.

App installation

If you have a smartphone or tablet equipped with Android, to install the Smart Mobile My Money app, open the Google Play Store (the icon with the colored ▶ ︎ symbol on the home screen) and search “Smart Mobile My Money” in the special bar at the top.

When the search is complete, select Smart Mobile My Money from the results page and proceed with the installation of the app, by pressing the button first Install and then, if necessary, on that Accept. If you are reading this tutorial directly from your Android device, you can access the Play Store page dedicated to Smart Mobile My Money by tapping here. I remind you that the application is only compatible with devices equipped with Android 4.0.3 or later.

Money by BPER Banca: what it is and how it works

Su iPhone and iPad, installing Smart Mobile My Money is just as simple. First, start theApp Store pressing the icon of the stylized "A" on a blue background that you find on the home screen. Then select the tab Search located at the bottom right, search ”Smart Mobile My Money” in the appropriate bar that is displayed on the screen and proceed with the installation of the app by first pressing on its name in the search results and then on the button Ottieni / Installa.

You may be asked to verify your identity through Face ID, touch ID or entering the password dell'ID Apple. If you are reading this tutorial directly from your iOS device, you can access the App Store page dedicated to Smart Mobile My Money by tapping here. I remind you that the application is only compatible with devices equipped with iOS 8.0 or later.

Money by BPER Banca: what it is and how it works

When installation is complete, start Smart Mobile My Money, selecting its icon on the home screen of your device, and presses the button See how it works, to view a short introductory tutorial of the app, or on the button Log in, to log in with the data of your BPER Banca, Banco di Sardegna or Cassa di Risparmio di BRA account.

Movement management

Once logged in, you will immediately find yourself in front of the main screen of Smart Mobile My Money with the list of the latest movements, plus the monthly and weekly summaries of income and expenses.

I movements highlighted in yellow are those automatically categorized by the app: to confirm them, swipe them from left to right. To change their category, instead, swipe from right to left on them and select one of the categories and sub-categories available on the next screen (eg. Home, Food and catering, Shopping o Vehicles and transport).

Money by BPER Banca: what it is and how it works

In case of errors or second thoughts, you can change the category of an expense or income again by swiping it from right to left and selecting a category and a sub-category from the screen that opens.

Instead, by swiping from left to right on a categorized movement, you can access other useful functions of Smart Mobile My Money: Divide to divide the amount and assign it to several categories; Comment to add a comment to the transaction; Tag to add tags to the selected movement (option that allows you to further categorize income and expenses and filter them even more easily) and Info, to view all the details of a transaction, mark it as a deductible / deductible expense or exclude it from My Money.

The same operations can also be carried out by selecting an entry or an expense in the main menu of Smart Mobile My Money (in order to view all the details) and then pressing one of the buttons available in the screen that opens.

Money by BPER Banca: what it is and how it works

If you want add a custom movement to your balance sheet, go to the top of the main menu of Smart Mobile My Money and swipe from top to bottom, in order to bring up the menu with the selection of accounts, then presses on the item Other movements and then on the button Add a movement.

In the screen that opens, fill out the form that is proposed to you by entering, in the respective fields, amount e Description the movement you wish to record; indicates if it is a expenditure or anentry and use the buttons located below to set category e date operation, add a comment and assign a tag to the latter. When the operation is completed, press the button Save (top right) to save the movement in Smart Mobile My Money.

Money by BPER Banca: what it is and how it works

By default, Smart Mobile My Money shows both the movements relating to your BPER Banca Account Card and the movements relating to your bank account, in addition to the movements added "manually" using the procedure I have just explained to you.

If you want to view only the movements of the Account Card, only those of the current account or only those added "manually" in the app, go to the top of the main menu of Smart Mobile My Money and swipe from top to bottom, so to bring up the menu with the selection of accounts. Then presses on the voice Prepaid card to view only the movements of the card, on the entry Bank account to view only the movements of the current account or on the item Other movements, to display only the customized transactions entered "manually" in the balance sheet.

Money by BPER Banca: what it is and how it works

To filter the movements in an even more detailed way, you can press the button Filter (located at the top right) and select the criteria by which to display income and expenses within the app.

Using the adjustment bar located under the item Price you can choose the minimum amount of transactions to be displayed; selecting one of the options under the item Period (Eg. From the beginning, Last month o Last year) you can only view the operations carried out in a certain period of time; by selecting one of the icons displayed under the item Type you can choose whether to display only the operations of a certain type (deductible and deductible expenses, excluded from Money o not categorized), while selecting the items in the fields Categories e Tag you can limit your search to movements associated with certain categories or tags.

Money by BPER Banca: what it is and how it works

Once you have set your preferences, press the button Apply and you will see only the transactions corresponding to the criteria you have selected. To restore the display of all movements, press the button again filters and then on those Reset e Apply.


Money by BPER Banca: what it is and how it works

Other very useful tools to understand the progress of your finances are the weekly and monthly budgets, present in the main menu of Smart Mobile My Money. By selecting one of the budgets proposed by the app, you can view aggregated charts on income and expenses recorded in a given period of time (eg. September or the week from 22 to 28 September) and a complete list of the movements carried out, divided by category.

Pressing on each category or each item on the screen (e.g. Bank charges, Rent o Cancellations and refunds), you can view in detail all the movements connected to the latter.

Budget management

Money by BPER Banca: what it is and how it works

As previously pointed out, the BPER Banca Money service allows you to set up budget limits for any category of expense (or even income), in a very simple way.

To set budget limits through the Smart Mobile My Money app, go to the tab Budget of the latter (which on Android is at the top right and on iOS is at the bottom left), presses the button Add or remove categories and select the expense or income categories for which you want to set budget limits.

Next, tap the button Save, choose an expense / income category from those appearing in the form Budget and press pulsating Change your budget you see below. In the screen that opens, select the tab Manual (top left), choose whether to set the budget limit for expense o revenue putting the check mark next to one of the two available options, type the expense / income limit to be set in the field Price, choose whether to enforce the limit from now on o only this month and press pulsating Set your budget per salvare i Cambiomenti.

Alternatively, if you prefer, select the tab Automatic (top right) and set a budget limit based on your spending history: like last month, as the average of 3 months, as the average of 12 months and so on.

Once you have adjusted the budget limits, you can also view the movements related to each category for which you have set them: just select one of the categories on the tab Budget e premere sul pulsating See the movements which appears below.

App settings

Money by BPER Banca: what it is and how it works

By going to the tab Settings of the Smart Mobile My Money app (which on Android is at the top right, while on iOS it is at the bottom left), you can view the list of accounts and cards included in the app having the ability to disable their display; add a movement to the balance sheet manually (as illustrated above); manage the category and tag used for movements; view the Frequent questions relating to the use of the application; contact support of BPER Banca; view the informative tour of the app and go out dall’account.

Also, there is the button April Smart Mobile, which you can also find at the top right on Android or at the bottom left on iOS and which allows you to open the BPER Banca Smart Mobile app, which is useful for accessing the institution's Internet banking services on Android and iPhone / iPad.

For more information

Money by BPER Banca: what it is and how it works

If you need more information on how BPER Banca's Money works, if you have any doubts about requesting an Account Card or opening a current account, you can contact BPER Banca's support using one of the following channels.

  • Chat - by connecting to this web page and clicking on the button Chat you can contact BPER Banca support directly online, in real time.
  • Email - if you prefer to use e-mail, you can contact BPER Banca by sending an email to the address
  • Telephone - you can also contact BPER Banca support by telephone, by calling the free toll-free number 800 22 77 88 or, if you are abroad, the toll number prefix 059 291 96 22.
  • WhatsApp - BPER Banca also provides support via WhatsApp: just add the number prefix 366 77 73 911 to the address book of your smartphone and contact the latter via the chat of the well-known instant messaging application.

If you want advice, before contacting a BPER Banca operator, read the section of the BPER website with the FAQ, i.e. the answers to the questions most frequently asked by users: there you may also find the answers to your doubts.

Article created in collaboration with BPER Banca.

Money by BPER Banca: what it is and how it works

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