How to have 2 accounts on TikTok

Preliminary information

How to have 2 accounts on TikTok

If you wonder like having two accounts on TikTok, you must first take into account that, unlike other social networks, such as for example Instagram, TikTok does not have a feature that allows you to add multiple accounts and quickly switch between them.

The only official solution that, therefore, allows you to use two accounts in TikTok for Android and iOS is to log out of the account currently connected to the app and then log in with the second account. Of course, in case you don't already have two TikTok accounts, you need to re-register for the service to create a new profile.

However, there are also alternative solutions: install the TikTok on a second smartphone, in order to use the two accounts simultaneously on two different devices or, only on Android, install a third-party application that can "clone" the TikTok app, thus allowing access to another account with the same device. Having said that, do not worry: in the course of the next chapters of this tutorial, I will explain in detail how to proceed using all the solutions mentioned above.

Another thing you need to know is that, starting from February 9, 2021, following the requests of the cittàn Privacy Guarantor, TikTok requires users to enter their date of birth and block the accounts of children under 13.

How to have two accounts on TikTok

How to have 2 accounts on TikTok

Having made the necessary premises, let's start the practical part of this tutorial: let's see, step by step, like having two accounts on TikTok through the official app of the social network for Android and iOS, through the procedure of registering a second account and accessing the latter.

How to make two accounts on TikTok

How to have 2 accounts on TikTok

As previously stated, for have two accounts on TikTok you must create a second profile, registering for the service again if necessary.

That said, after downloading the TikTok from Play Store on Android (press the button Install) or fromApp Store of iOS (press first on Get, then unlock the download and installation via the Face ID, the Touch ID or the password of your iCloud account), start it by pressing on its icon that you find on the home screen of your smartphone.

When the app starts, press onicona dell'omino located at the bottom right, then tap on the item Sign up by phone or email. Alternatively, to register faster, press the buttons related to the services Facebook, Google, Twitter o Instagram, to register through the account of one of these other social networks.

If, on the other hand, you have chosen to subscribe through your telephone number or using e-mail address, fill out the next registration form that is shown to you, indicating yours date of birth, your telephone number or l 'email address with which you wish to subscribe in the appropriate text fields that are shown to you.

Then press the arrow button, to continue, confirming the entered data and also setting the Password login to your account. Once registration is complete, you will be logged in automatically.

How to use two accounts on TikTok

How to have 2 accounts on TikTok

After registering again a TikTok, in order to use two different accounts in the app, you must log out of the one currently connected and, subsequently, you must log in to the second account you intend to use.

That said, to disconnect from TikTok, go to your profile section by clicking onicona dell'omino located at the bottom. Once this is done, press onicon (...) located in the upper right corner and, in the menu that is shown to you, presses on the item Logout. Finally, confirm the operation by pressing the button Confirmation.

Once disconnected, press again on theicona dell'omino located in the menu at the bottom, then tap on the item Log in, in the menu that is shown to you and log in to the other account: to do this, type theemail address, username or telephone number and Password associated with the profile and press the button .

Other solutions to have two profiles on TikTok

How to have 2 accounts on TikTok

In addition to the official solution I told you about in the previous chapter, there are also alternative methods to have two profiles on TikTok. One of them involves using a second smartphone, so you can install the app again and log in on two devices at the same time, as already mentioned in this chapter of the tutorial.

Another viable solution, more practical but valid only on Android, concerns the use of apps that "clone" the installed apps, thus allowing access to them with several different accounts. Speaking of which, my suggestion is to use the Clone App, which you can download for free from the Play Store.

Once the app has finished downloading and installing, launch Clone App pressing on its icon that you will find added to the home screen of your smartphone. Upon startup, you agree to the requests that are shown to you and press the button Add app.

On the next screen that is shown to you, select the TikTok icon and press pulsating Add app, to clone it. At the end of this operation (which lasts only a few seconds), presses on theicon (...) and, in the menu that is shown to you, tap on the item Create link, to add the "cloned" app icon to the home screen of your smartphone.

Now, press onTikTok app icon, to start it, then log in to your second account by pressing on the item Log in and following the instructions I gave you in the previous chapter.

Once logged in, you will be able to use both accounts TikTok, simply by switching from the TikTok "cloned" to the app "normal", whose icons will both be found on your device's home screen. You didn't think it would be that easy, did you?

How to have 2 accounts on TikTok

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