How to get more likes on Facebook

Write interesting posts

How to get more likes on Facebook

Write interesting and, if possible, funny posts is the first step to getting more likes on Facebook. But what is the identikit of the “perfect” post for Facebook? In reality there are no hard and fast rules to follow. In principle, however, I recommend that you write posts that are brevi, clear e simple: if you write a post that is too long or in any case too complex, you would risk “tiring” users, who could even stop following you on this social network.

Also, in the posts you write, try to express yourself with a friendly and conversational language and, if possible, enrich the text with some emoticons: you will be able to clarify the state of mind behind the sentence you wrote in the post. If you want to make your posts a little more fun and captivating, so that you can try to get a few more likes, use the colored lettering (feature available only for Facebook profiles, not for pages) or format the text writing in bold.

Other useful ideas could be those of publish interesting and profound quotes (without exaggerating, though!), insert some hashtag (or those words preceded by the hash symbol) to "label" the post or create gods polls using the specific function made available by Facebook.

If in addition to getting some likes on the post, you want to “push the user to action”, use one call-to-action (eg "If you want to know how ... visit my website" or "For more info, contact me on ..."). If you want to "win easy" and get a more or less significant number of interactions in a relatively short time, you could try placing one or two questions in the post (eg "What do you think of ..." or "Like if you also think that ..."): usually the questions trigger a mental mechanism that pushes the user to have his say with a like or a reaction.

Before publishing a post, however, make sure it is written properly grammatically correct and, for a moment, put yourself in the shoes of the users who will view it by asking yourself if you would feel encouraged to “Like” the content in question or not. By doing this exercise regularly you will not only avoid falling into some glaring misspelling, but you will be able to put yourself in the shoes of the people who follow your updates. You will see, slowly you will begin to develop the ability to engage your audience and get more interactions.

Post quality photos and videos

How to get more likes on Facebook

“A picture is worth a thousand words”. Precisely for this reason it is important post quality photos and videos. If you decide to include an image or video in your post, make sure it is interesting or otherwise funny: this is essential to try to attract as many interactions as possible.

As for photos, do not publish shots that have chromatic aberrations or other rather marked defects. Maybe try to improve the quality of the shots you want to publish using the famous Photoshop (or some other similar photo editing program) or use some app to edit photos. Since users really appreciate the GIF (i.e. those animated images that are played in loop), from time to time also share this particular type of multimedia content on your profile or on your Facebook page: they will surely attract many likes.

If the photo you are posting shows some friends who were with you in a certain place, don't forget to tag them: you will attract their attention and they will be more likely to “like” the content in question, since it concerns them firsthand.

When posting a photo or video on Facebook, however, in addition to making sure that it is captivating and engaging, be careful that it is not subject to copyright, that it does not violate the privacy of other users and / or the conditions of use of Facebook: you could even incur the closure of your account!

Interact with other users

How to get more likes on Facebook

Interact with other users is another aspect that you should pay close attention to if you want to get more likes on Facebook. You can interact with other users of the hugely popular social network not just by putting yourself in turn "I like" to their contents, but above all commenting and trying to cultivate real friendships with people who have the same interests as you. After all, the goal of social networks (Facebook in the first place) is precisely this: to allow users to communicate and interact with each other.

Of course, when commenting, try to always respect whoever is on the other side of the screen, even when it may not be easy to do so. So don't use vulgar, offensive, derogatory, racist language for any reason in the world and never get into controversy: in addition to risking annoying other people and attracting their dislikes, you could seriously violate some of Facebook's terms of use and even incur the closure of your account! Compris?

In addition to comments, on Facebook you can use other tools to interact with users, including live video. If you decide to use this useful feature, keep in mind the following tips to ensure that the live stream is successful and attract as many users as possible (and consequently also potential likes).

  • Choose theright environment for live - the perfect location is neither too bright nor too dark. The ideal is to find an environment with the right light that allows others to see your face clearly and recognize you immediately.
  • In addition to lighting, pay close attention to the factor as well audio - therefore avoid places that are too crowded or excessively noisy because otherwise viewers may not understand what you are saying in the streaming broadcast.
  • Take care of yours appearance - since you are publicly exposed in the live broadcast, you have to take care of your image: after all you should know, even the eye wants its part!

Other useful tools for interacting with other Facebook users are the Stories and polls, which I have already told you extensively in some articles that I have published on my blog. Since both of these tools are widely appreciated by the Facebook community, put them to good use to try to attract more likes!

Advertise content posted on Facebook

How to get more likes on Facebook

While following the advice given in the previous paragraphs, you may not see a concrete increase in the number of likes and interactions on your posts. In this case, it might come in handy advertise content posted on Facebook and you can do this in at least a couple of ways: by creating a Facebook page (if you haven't already) or by creating groups or subscribing to some that already exist.

Creating a Facebook page can be particularly useful if the posts you usually publish on the social network concern your professional activity or a specific topic that should be dealt with in a special "place", your page! If you want to know how to create a Facebook page, do not hesitate to read the tutorial in which I explain in detail how to do this: there you will find all the info you need to complete the operation.

After you have created your Facebook page, you will be able to use some tools with which you can advertise your content. To advertise a content on Facebook, simply click on the button Highlight the post and set up audience profiles, i.e. select the target of people you want to reach with the advertisement: their age, their interests, their geographical position and so on. Facebook also provides advertisers with some advanced tools to carry out real advertising campaigns. If you want, you can learn more about this topic by reading the article in which I show in detail how to advertise on Facebook. I'm sure you will find this further reading very useful as well.

Making good use of Facebook groups can also be a smart way to get more likes on Facebook. Before advertising content on a Facebook group, you must first subscribe to it (just click on the button Join the group and hope that your registration request will be accepted by the group administrators) and then read the rules of the group very carefully, so as not to risk being thrown out immediately after your registration.

As soon as your request to join the group is positively received, publish the content you want to advertise within the group. The advice I give you is to post content only if it is in harmony with the general theme covered by the group. To be clear, if the group is dedicated to the topic of "Sport", do not post content relating to music, cooking or gardening (unless we have some correlation with the topic "Sport"). By doing this, you will show respect towards the other users registered in the group, you will not frustrate your efforts to advertise your posts and you will be more likely to get new likes.

In addition to joining existing Facebook groups, why not create a group yourself? By doing this you can decide for yourself which topics to cover in the group and which users to allow to subscribe to it. I am sure that, by using this useful tool made available by Facebook in the right way, you will be able to bring home some positive results.

Don't "trade" likes

How to get more likes on Facebook

Some users, unable to increase the number of "Likes" to their posts, resort to some not very "honest" expedient to get likes artificially and, in this case, they exchange likes with other users.

On Facebook, in fact, groups born with the aim of allowing users to exchange likes are swarming. A very simple mechanism is used on these groups: you put the "Like" on one of my posts and I reciprocate the "favor" by liking your post.

This practice is widespread, but I advise you not to adopt it for at least a couple of reasons: first of all, having "fake" likes on Facebook is absolutely useless, if not to "inflate" your popularity a bit on this social network; secondly, the practice of exchanging likes is frowned upon by the staff of the social network, even though it is not expressly condemned in its conditions of use.

Therefore, if you really want to get more likes on Facebook, apply the various tips I gave you in this tutorial and you will see that, with a little consistency, you will get positive results.

How to get more likes on Facebook

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