How to get free Giga TIM

Preliminary operation

How to get free Giga TIM

Before getting to the heart of this tutorial and showing you the promotions that allow you to avere Giga free TIM, let me explain how to create a TIM account: a fundamental requirement to join most of the offers that I will list below.

To create a TIM account, you must act from the computer by connecting to the operator's website. Then connected to the TIM website, click on the item MyTIM placed at the top right and presses the button Subscribe present in the box that appears on the screen.

On the next page, provide yours email address and type the Password you want to use to access TIM's online services by typing it in the appropriate fields, then move the lever placed at the bottom of the page and press on NEXT. As a next step, type yours telephone number, check the box the option I declare to be the owner of the number entered, press again NEXT and complete the registration by following the on-screen instructions.

At the end of the procedure, you will be able to access your TIM account from your computer and smartphone app and thus activate the offers to get the extra Giga of Internet browsing. Now I'll explain how in more detail.

Offers to get free Giga TIM

Now, as promised, let's take a closer look at the offers to get Giga for free and TIM makes available to its customers. You just have to find the one that best suits you (based on your tariff plan, the period of stay of your number in TIM and other parameters, such as the presence of a TIM line at home) and proceed with its activation. Find all the information you need right below.

TIM Party

How to get free Giga TIM

The first promotion I want to tell you about is the one called TIM Party, which allows you to receive gifts, prizes and monthly discounts based on your loyalty to TIM. There are, in fact, prizes for those who have joined TIM for at least 1 year, for those who have been with TIM for at least 5 years and for those who have TIM both at home and on their mobile phones, but there are also prizes for new customers (of obviously smaller than those dedicated to the most loyal customers). Among the prizes available, as easily understood, there are also free data packages, like the one it allows to have 10 Giga to be consumed within 1 week.

To join TIM Party and discover the promotions reserved for you (the rewards available, as mentioned, vary depending on the time spent in TIM), connect to this web page and click on the button Join TIM Party. Then log in to yours account TIM by entering your username and password, provide the consent for marketing purposes placing the check mark next to the item Yes e pulsing sul pulsating Save present on the page that if you press.

At this point, discover the promotion reserved for you and, if this concerns data traffic, proceed to its activation by pressing the button Activate now. A confirmation SMS will notify you when the reward is activated on your line (the operation could take a few minutes or a few hours, up to 48 hours, depending on the case).

It should be noted that the Giga of the promotion are valid in cities and in EU countries. Navigation is in 4G. Giga not consumed within the limit set by the offer (eg 10 Giga free to be used within 7 days) expire. To take advantage of the promotion, you must have a credit on the SIM greater than 0 euros. Once the Giga obtained as a reward have been consumed, in the absence of other data available, navigation is interrupted until the expiry date.

TurboGiga Day

How to get free Giga TIM

A tariff plan is active on your SIM TIM Prime go, you can enjoy 1 day of internet for free every month thanks to the promotion TurboGiga Day. If you don't know if your plan is part of the TIM Prime go line, call the 409162 or log in to your personal area MyTIM Mobile on the TIM website.

Once you have ascertained the presence of a TIM Prime go plan on your line, you can proceed with the activation of TurboGiga Day: to carry out the operation you can proceed both through the TIM website and through the app MyTIM, available free for Android and iOS.

To activate TurboGiga Day from the TIM website, connected to the home page, click on the item MyTIM located at the top right, log in with your account data and, on the page that opens, select the tab MyTIM Mobile. Move, therefore, to the section Offers for you, locate the box for TurboGiga Day Prime Go and proceed with the activation of the offer by pressing the button Attiva.

How to get free Giga TIM

Alternatively, you can connect to this page of the TIM website, click on the button Attiva and log in with your TIM account credentials.

If you prefer to act as a smartphone, start the app MyTIM on your smartphone, log in to your account and first press the icon of shop (below), then on the option See all related to the section Internet tailored for you and, finally, on the item relating to TurboGiga Day Prime Go (if available) and on the button Attiva.

It should be noted that TurboGiga Day allows you to consume up to a maximum of 10 Giga in 4G and that it lasts until midnight on the day of activation. The Giga are valid in cities and in EU countries. Once the Giga provided for by the offer has been consumed, in the absence of other data available, navigation is interrupted until the expiry date. To proceed with the activation, you must have a credit on the SIM greater than 0 euros.

1GB as a gift for 30 days

How to get free Giga TIM

You are not yet 30 years old and you have signed up for a family plan TIM Young? In this case you can take advantage of the promotion 1GB as a gift for 30 days which, as the name suggests, allows you to take advantage of 1 Giga of 4G navigation free for 30 days.

To activate 1GB as a gift for 30 days, connected to this page of the TIM website, click on the button Activate now and log in to your TIM account. Alternatively, log in to your area MyTIM Mobile, select the scheda Offers for you, locate the box for  1GB as a gift for 30 days and proceed with the activation of the offer by pressing the button Attiva.

If you prefer to act as a smartphone, you can call the number 409165 or you can act through the section Offers for you application MyTIM Mobile, available free for Android and iOS.

The promotion is intended for all customers who have activated a TIM Young plan (except those of the TIM Young Senza Limiti range) and have a credit of more than 0 euros. The Giga can be used in cities and in EU countries. Once consumed, in the absence of other data available, navigation stops until expiration. The deactivation of the TIM Young offer entails the loss of the free Giga.

TIM 100%

How to get free Giga TIM

Do you have a TIM line both at home and on your mobile? Then you can join the promotion TIM 100%, which allows to obtain 5 Giga as a gift every month. To take advantage of the offer, the holder of the fixed line must be the same holder of the SIM and the service must be activated TIM Automatic Recharge, which allows you to automatically receive a top-up of 5 euros when the credit on the SIM drops below 3 euros. Top-up can be done by credit card or current account.

Once the TIM Automatic Recharge service has been activated (via this web page), you can get your 5 Giga for free every month by going to a TIM store or calling TIM customer service at 119. More info here.

Alternative solutions

How to get free Giga TIM

Can't you take advantage of any of the promotions I listed above? The last word has not yet been said! If you want, you can have free Giga on your TIM line by installing the application GigaSpot by TIM on AdCell, which allows you to accumulate free Internet traffic by displaying advertisements on your smartphone.

The banners are shown in full screen when the smartphone is unlocked, in addition there is a small banner on the display when the smartphone is in use and promotional notifications are delivered. In short: it is one rather invasive solution (as well as harmful to the autonomy of the phone), so I personally recommend using it only in extreme cases, if you really desperately need extra Giga and you can't buy data packages from TIM.

Every hour of use, 10 points are accumulated. Every 100 points earns 1GB of Internet traffic. Points are accumulated only when the smartphone is in use, even if it is not necessary to keep the phone switched on. The app is only available for Android. To make the advertising content disappear, just uninstall it. More info here.

For any other doubt or problem regarding promotions to get Giga for free TIM, do not hesitate to contact the operator as I explained to you in my tutorial on how to talk to a TIM operator.

How to get free Giga TIM

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