How to call Amazon

How do I call Amazon?

How to call Amazon

Prima di enter the live of this tutorial and spiegarti how to call Amazon, it is necessary to make a necessary premise regarding the options available to contact Amazon by telephone.

Most likely, by doing a simple search on the web, you have read that it is possible call Amazon toll free dedicated to customer service. However, by dialing the number in question, a recorded voice almost certainly warned you that the service is no longer active.

Indeed, the number 800.798.277, which Amazon had made available to obtain telephone assistance, has not been active for some time and the only solution to call the customer service of the famous online shopping site is to proceed from the section Contacts of the site (or app).

By doing so, you can indicate the topic for which you are requesting assistance and choose the contact channel that best suits your needs, including a telephone call from an Amazon employee. Having clarified this, let's see how to proceed.

How to call Amazon operator

call an Amazon operator all you have to do is access the section Contacts of the famous shopping site, specify the reason why you are contacting customer support and then select the option Telephone to book a call from an operator. How to do? I'll explain it to you right away!

How to call Amazon for returns

How to call Amazon

If you have made an Amazon return to return a defective product or that did not completely meet your expectations, you can monitor the status of your request by accessing the section my orders of your account.

If by doing so you can't get the information you are looking for or are having other problems, you can call Amazon for return and speak to a live operator.

To book a call from computer, connected to the official Amazon site and, if you have not already done so, log in to your account: then pause with the mouse pointer on the item Account e listclick on your button Log in, enter your data in the fields Email address or mobile number e Password and firstly your pulse Log in.

Now, click on the entry All, top left, locate the section Help and Settings, choose l'opzione Costumer Services and, in the new open page, click on the item Contact us. Once this is done, make sure the option is selected An order placed and, in the box Here is a recent order, put the check mark next to the item for which you have made the return. To view older orders, instead, click on the button Select another order.

At this point, in the section Tell us more about your problem, select the option Returns and Refunds through the appropriate drop-down menu and further specify the subject of your request by choosing one of the options available among Return an item, Check the status of the refund, Wrong refund e Check the status of the return.

Regardless of which option you select, click the button Telephone placed in the box How would you like to contact us?, verify that the phone number indicated in the field Your number is the one where you want to be contacted and press the button call me now, to be contacted by an Amazon operator within a few minutes.

If you prefer to proceed from smartphones and tablets, launch the Amazon app for Android or iPhone / iPad and log into your account. Once this is done, press the ☰ button located in the bottom menu, select the items Costumer Services e Contact us and, in the new screen that appears, tap on the option Call customer service.

At this point, tap on the items An order I placed e Returns and Refunds, select the option of your interest among Return an item, Check the status of the return e Check the status of the refund e fai tap sul pulsating Contact now located at the bottom of the screen.

Finally, select theorder for which you are requesting assistance, press the button Continue to customer service, make sure that the number indicated in the field Your number is correct and tap the button call me now, to have an Amazon operator call you. To find out more, I leave you to my guide on how to be called by Amazon.

How to call Amazon for shipping

How to call Amazon

If you have made a purchase on Amazon, by accessing the section my orders of your account, you can track the package at any time. In case, however, you encounter problems with the shipment, you can get Amazon to call you and get more information about it.

If this is your case, connected to the main page of the famous shopping site, click on the option All, top left, and select the items Costumer Services e Contact us from the menu that is proposed to you. Now, select the option An order placed, put the check mark next toorder of your interest and, in the section Tell us more about your problem, choose l'opzione Where is my order?.

At this point, using the drop-down menu Choose an option, select a delle opzioni available Order Shipped - Delayed Delivery, The package is delivered but I have not received it e Check the status of your order. Then click on the button Telephone, enter the phone number on which you wish to be contacted in the field Your number and press pulsating call me now, to be contacted by an Amazon operator.

If you prefer to book a call from smartphones and tablets, start the Amazon app, tap the ☰ button and select the items Costumer Services e Contact us from the menu that opens. In the new screen that appears, tap on the option Call customer service, select the items An order that I have made e Where is my order? and choose the option of your interest between Check the status of your order,order is overdue, Odine not received e Delivery date changed.

At this point, press onorder for which you are requesting assistance, tap the button Continue to customer service and, in the new screen that appears, make sure that the telephone number visible on the screen is the one on which you wish to be contacted. Finally, click on the button call me now And that's it.

How to call Amazon for assistance

How to call Amazon

How did you say? Vorresti call Amazon for assistance related to problems other than those I indicated in the previous lines? Again, all you have to do is access the section Contacts of Amazon and select the topic of your interest (eg. devices, if you want to get support on Amazon devices, such as the Fire TV Stick or Amazon Echo).

To understand better, let's take a practical example assuming that your intention is to call Amazon Prime to request assistance on your Prime subscription and related services (eg Prime Video and Amazon Music Unlimited).

To proceed from computer, therefore connected to the official Amazon site, log in to your account, click on the item All and select options Costumer Services e Contact us from the menu that is proposed to you. In the new page that opened, click on the button Prime and more and, through the drop-down menu located near the item Tell us more about your problem, select one of the available options (Amazon Prime, Prime Video, Prime Music, Prime gaming etc.) depending on the problem encountered or the information you intend to obtain.

Once this is done, further specify the subject of your request by selecting one of the options available in the drop-down menu Choose an option and, in section How would you like to contact us?click on your button Telephone. At this point, indicate the telephone number on which you wish to be contacted and press the button call me now, in order to be contacted by telephone by an Amazon operator.

The same way you can proceed from smartphones and tablets. To do this, start theAmazon app, make sure you are logged into your account and press the ☰ button at the bottom right. Then press on the options Costumer Services, Contact us e Call customer service and, in the new screen displayed, select the topic of your interest among An order I placed, devices, Digital content, My Account e Before placing an order.

Finally, if necessary for the option chosen above, further specify the subject of your request, enter the telephone number on which you want to be contacted in the field Your number e fai tap sul pulsating call me now, to book a call and be called back by an Amazon operator.

How to call Amazon courier

How to call Amazon

How did you say? Vorresti call the Amazon courier? In that case, first you need to find out which courier Amazon has chosen to rely on for shipping.

To do it from computer, connected to the official Amazon site, log in to your account and click on the option Returns and orders. Now, locate theorder of your interest, click on the relevant button Track my package and, in the new screen displayed, you can view the courier and the reference shipping code of your order.

Give smartphone and tabletinstead, start theAmazon app, press the ☰ button and select the option my orders. Now, tap onorder of your interest and click on the option Track my package, to view the shipment details.

After identifying the courier to whom your package was entrusted, connect to this page of the Amazon site and locate the section Main couriers for shipments in the city: near the item Contact the courier, you will be able to view the telephone number relating to the courier of your interest.

To learn more, you can also take a look at my guide on how to contact an Amazon courier.

How to call Amazon

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